L2 Regularization and Batch Norm






  • 在keras自定义的BN层中,没有类似kernel_regularizer这样的参数
  • 在我们写自定义optmizer的时候,BN层也不进行weight decay的

L2 Regularization versus Batch and Weight Normalization

  1. 动机

    • 两个common tricks:Normalization(BN、WN、LN等)和L2 Regularization
      • 发现两者结合时L2 regularization对normalization层没有正则效果
      • L2 regularization反而对norm layer的scale有影响,间接影响了learning rate
      • 现代优化器如Adam只能间接消除这种影响
  2. 论点

    • BN

      • popular in training deep networks
      • solve the problem of covariate shift
      • 使得每个神经元的输入保持normal分布,加速训练
      • mean & variance:training time基于每个mini-batch计算,test time使用所有iteration的mean & variance的EMA
    • usually trained with SGD with L2 regularization

      • result in weight decay:从数学表示上等价于对权重做衰减

      • 每一步权重scaled by a 小于1的数

      • 但是normalization strategies是对scale of the weights invariant的,因为在输入神经元之前都会进行norm
      • therefore
        • there is no regularizing effect
        • rather strongly influence the learning rate??👂
  3. L2 Regularization

    • formulation:

      • 在loss的基础上加一个regularization term,$L_{\lambda}(w)=L(w)+\lambda ||w||^2_2$
      • loss是每个样本经过一系列权重运算,$L(w)=\sum_N l_i (y(X_i;w,\gamma,\beta))$
      • 当使用normalization layer的时候:$y(X_i;w,\alpha,\beta)=y(X_i;\alpha w,\gamma,\beta)$,即loss term不会变
      • $L_{\lambda}(\alpha w)=L(w)+\lambda||w||^2_2$
      • 在有normalization layer的时候,L2 penalty还是能够通过reg term force权重的scale越来越小,但是不会影响优化进程(不影响main objective value),因为loss term不变
    • Effect of the Scale of Weights on Learning Rate

      • BN层的输出是scale invariant的,但是梯度不是,梯度是成反比被抑制的!
      • 所以weights在变小,同时梯度在变大!

      • 在减小weight scale的时候,网络的梯度会变大,等价于学习率在变大,会引起震荡不稳定

      • 所以在设定hyper的时候,如果我们要适当加大weight decay $\lambda$,就要反比scale学习率
    • Effect of Regularization on the Scale of Weights

      • during training the scale of weights will change
        • the gradients of the loss function will cause the norm of the weights to grow
        • the regularization term causes the weights to shrink