
Re-labeling ImageNet: from Single to Multi-Labels, from Global to Localized Labels

  1. 动机

    • label noise
      • single-label benchmark
      • but contains multiple classes in one sample
      • a random crop may contain an entirely different object from the gt label
      • exhaustive multi-label annotations per image is too cost
    • mismatch
      • researches refine the validation set with multi-labels
      • propose new multi-label evaluation metrics
      • 但是造成数据集的mismatch
    • we propose
      • re-label
      • use a strong image classifier trained on extra source of data to generate the multi-labels
      • use pixel-wise multi-label predictions before GAP:addtional location-specific supervision
      • then trained on re-labeled samples
      • further boost with CutMix
    • from single to multi-labels:多标签
    • from global to localized:dense prediction map

  2. 论点

    • single-label
      • 和multi-label validation set的mismatch
      • random crop augmentation加剧了问题
      • 除了多目标还有前背景,只有23%的random crops IOU>0.5
    • ideally label
      • the full set of classes——multi-label
      • where each objects——localized label
      • results in a dense pixel labeling $L\in \{0,1\}^{HWC}$
    • we propose a re-labeling strategy

      • ReLabel
        • strong classifier
        • external training data
        • generate feature map predictions
      • LabelPooling
        • with dense labels & random crop
        • pooling the label scores from crop region
    • evaluations

      • baseline r50:77.5%
      • r50 + ReLabel:78.9%
      • r50 + ReLabel + CutMix:80.2%
    • 【QUESTION】同样是引入外部数据实现无痛长点,与noisy student的区别/好坏???

      • 目前论文提到的就只有efficiency,ReLabel是one-time cost的,知识蒸馏是iterative&on-the-fly的

  3. 方法

    • Re-labeling

      • super annotator

        • state-of-the-art classifier
        • trained on super large dataset
        • fine-tuned on ImageNet
        • and predict ImageNet labels
      • we use open-source trained weights as annotators

        • though trained with single-label supervision
        • still tend to make multi-label predictions
        • EfficientNet-L2
        • input size 475
        • feature map size 15x15x5504
        • output dense label size 15x15x1000

      • location-specific labels

        • remove GAP heads
        • add a 1x1 conv
        • 说白了就是一个fcn
        • original classifier的fc层权重与新添加的1x1 conv层的权重是一样的
        • label的每个channel对应了一个类别的heatmap,可以看到disjointly located at each object’s position

    • LabelPooling

      • loads the pre-computed label map
      • region pooling (RoIAlign) on the label map
      • GAP + softmax to get multi-label vector
      • train a classifier with the multi-label vector
      • uses CE

    • choices

      • space consumption

        • 主要是存储label map的空间
        • store only top-5 predictions per image:10GB
      • time consumption

        • 主要是说生成label map的one-shot-inference time和labelPooling引入的额外计算时间
        • relabeling:10-GPU hours
        • labelPooling:0.5% additiona training time
        • more efficient than KD
      • annotators

        • 标注工具哪家强:目前看下来eff-L2的supervision效果最强

        • supervision confidence

          • 随着image crop与前景物体的IOU增大,confidence逐渐增加
          • 说明supervision provides some uncertainty when low IOU

  4. 实验