- 2018年的paper
- official code:https://github.com/zhirongw/lemniscate.pytorch
- memory bank
Unsupervised Feature Learning via Non-Parametric Instance Discrimination
- unsupervised learning
- can we learn good feature representation that captures apparent similarity among instances instead of classes
- formulate a non-parametric classification problem at instance-level
- use noise contrastive estimation
- our non-parametric model
- highly compact:128-d feature per image,only 600MB storage in total
- enable fast nearest neighbour retrieval
- 【QUESTION】无类别标签,单靠similarity,最终的分类模型是如何建立的?
- verified on
- ImageNet 1K classification
- semi-supervised learning
- object detection tasks
- unsupervised learning
- observations
- ImageNet top-5 err远比top-1 err小
- second highest responding class is more likely to be visually related
- 说明模型隐式地学到了similarity
- apparent similarity is learned not from se- mantic annotations, but from the visual data themselves
- 将class-wise supervision推到一个极限
- 就变成了instance-level
- 类别数变成了the whole training set:softmax to many more classes becomes infeasible
- approximate the full softmax distribution with noise-contrastive estimation(NCE)
- use a proximal regularization to stablize the learning process
- train & test
- 通常的做法是learned representations加一个线性分类器
- e.g. SVM:但是train和test的feature space是不一致的
- 我们用了KNN:same metric space
- observations
- to learn a embedding function $f_{\theta}$
- distance metric $d_{\theta}(x,y) = ||f_{\theta}(x)-f_{\theta}(y)||$
- to map visually similar images closer
instance-level:to distinct between instances
Non-Parametric Softmax Classifier
common parametric classifier
- given网络预测的N-dim representation $v=f_{\theta}(x)$
- 要预测C-classes的概率,需要一个$W^{NC}$的projection:$P(i|v) = \frac{exp (W^T_iv)}{\sum exp (W^T_jv)}$
Non-Parametric version
- enforce $||v||=1$ via L2 norm
- replace $W^T$ with $v^T$
- then the probability:$P(i|v) = \frac{exp (v^T_iv/\tau)}{\sum exp (v^T_jv / \tau)}$
- temperature param $\tau$:controls the concentration level of the distribution
the goal is to minimize the negative log-likelihood
意义:L2 norm将所有的representation映射到了一个128-d unit sphere上面,$v_i^T v_j$度量了两个projection vec的similarity,我们希望同类的vec尽可能重合,不同类的vec尽可能正交
- class weights $W$ are not generalized to new classes
- but feature representations $V$ does
memory bank
- 因为是instance level,C-classes对应整个training set,也就是说${v_i}$ for all the images are needed for loss
- Let $V={v_i}$ 表示memory bank,初始为unit random vectors
- every learning iterations
- $f_\theta$ is optimized by SGD
- 输入$x_i$所对应的$f_i$更新到$v_i$上
- 也就是只有mini-batch中包含的样本,在这一个step,更新projection vec
Noise-Contrastive Estimation
non-parametric softmax的计算量随着样本量线性增长,millions level样本量的情况下,计算太heavy了
we use NCE to approximate the full softmax
- noise samples的uniform distribution:$P_n =\frac{1}{n}$
- noise samples are $m$ times frequent than data samples
那么sample $i$ matches vec $v$的后验概率是:$h(i,v)=\frac{P(i|v)}{P(i|v)+mP_n}$
- approximated training object is to minimize the negative log-likelihood of $h(i,v)$
normalizing constant $Z$的近似
主要就是分母这个$Z_i$的计算比较heavy,我们用Monte Carlo采样来近似:
${j_k}$ is a random subset of indices:随机抽了memory bank的一个子集来approx全集的分母,实验发现取batch size大小的子集就可以,m=4096
Proximal Regularization
the learning process oscillates a lot
- we have one instance per class
- during each training epoch each class is only visited once
we introduce an additional term
- overall workflow:在每一个iteration t,feature representation是$v_i^t=f_{\theta}(x_i)$,而memory bank里面的representations来自上一个iteration step $V={v^{t-1}}$,我们从memory bank里面采样,并计算NCE loss,然后bp更新网络权重,然后将这一轮fp的representations update到memory bank的指定样本上,然后下一轮
- 可以发现,在初始random阶段,梯度更新会比较快而且不稳定
我们给positive sample的loss上额外加了一个$\lambda ||v_i^t-v_i^{t-1}||^2_2$,有点类似weight decay那种东西,开始阶段l2 loss会占主导,引导网络收敛
- speed up convergence
- improve the learned representations
Weighted k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier
- a test time,先计算feature representation,然后跟memory bank的vectors分别计算cosine similarity $s_i=cos(v_i, f)$,选出topk neighbours $N_k$,然后进行weighted voting
- weighted voting:
- 对每个class c,计算它在topk neighbours的total weight,$w_c =\sum_{i \in N_k} \alpha_i 1(c_i=c)$
- $\alpha_i = exp(s_i/\tau)$
- k = 200
- $\tau = 0.07$