
RegNet: Designing Network Design Spaces

  1. 动机

    • study the network design principles
    • design RegNet
    • outperforms efficientNet and 5x faster
      • top1 error:20.1 (eff-b5:21.5)
      • larger batch size
      • 1/4 的 train/test latency
  2. 论点

    • manual network design
      • AlexNet, ResNet family, DenseNet, MobileNet
      • focus on discovering new design choices that improve acc
    • the recent popular approach NAS
      • search the best in a fixed search space of possible networks
      • limitations:generalize to new settings,lack of interpretability
    • network scaling
      • 上面两个focus on 找出一个basenet for a specific regime
      • scaling rules aims at tuning the optimal network in any target regime
    • comparing networks
      • the reliable comparison metric to guide the design process
    • our method
      • combines the disadvantages of manual design and NAS
      • first AnyNet
      • then RegNet
  3. 方法