layer norm


  1. papers

[batch norm 2015] Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift,inceptionV2,Google Team,归一化层的始祖,加速训练&正则,BN被后辈追着打的主要痛点:approximation by mini-batch,test phase frozen

[layer norm 2016] Layer Normalization,Toronto+Google,针对BN不适用small batch和RNN的问题,主要用于RNN,在CNN上不好,在test的时候也是active的,因为mean&variance由于当前数据决定,有负责rescale和reshift的layer params

[weight norm 2016] Weight normalization: A simple reparameterization to accelerate training of deep neural networks,OpenAI,

[cosine norm 2017] Cosine Normalization: Using Cosine Similarity Instead of Dot Product in Neural Networks,中科院,

[instance norm 2017] Instance Normalization: The Missing Ingredient for Fast Stylization,高校report,针对风格迁移,IN在test的时候也是active的,而不是freeze的,单纯的instance-independent norm,没有layer params

[group norm 2018] Group Normalization,FAIR Kaiming,针对BN在small batch上性能下降的问题,提出batch-independent的

[weight standardization 2019] Weight Standardization,Johns Hopkins,

[batch-channel normalization & weight standardization 2020] BCN&WS: Micro-Batch Training with Batch-Channel Normalization and Weight Standardization,Johns Hopkins,

  1. why Normalization

    • 独立同分布:independent and identically distribute

    • 白化:whitening([PCA whitening][])

      • 去除特征之间的相关性
      • 使所有特征具有相同的均值和方差
    • 样本分布变化:Internal Covariate Shift

      • 对于神经网络的各层输入,由于stacking internel byproduct,每层的分布显然各不相同,但是对于某个特定的样本输入,他们所指示的label是不变的
      • 即源空间和目标空间的条件概率是一致的,但是边缘概率是不同的

      • 每个神经元的数据不再是独立同分布,网络需要不断适应新的分布,上层神经元容易饱和:网络训练又慢又不稳定

  2. how to Normalization

    • preparation

      • unit:一个神经元(一个op),输入[b,N,C_in],输出[b,N,1]
      • layer:一层的神经元(一系列op,$W\in R^{M*N}$),在channel-dim上concat当前层所有unit的输出[b,N,C_out]
      • dims
        • b:batch dimension
        • N:spatial dimension,1/2/3-dims
        • C:channel dimension
      • unified representation:本质上都是对数据在规范化
        • $h = f(g*\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}+b)$:先归一化,在rescale & reshift
        • $\mu$ & $\sigma$:compute from上一层的特征值
        • $g$ & $b$:learnable params基于当前层
        • $f$:neurons’ weighting operation
        • 各方法的主要区别在于mean & variance的计算维度
    • 对数据

      • BN:以一层每个神经元的输出为单位,即每个channel的mean&var相互独立
      • LN:以一层所有神经元的输出为单位,即每个sample的mean&var相互独立
      • IN:以每个sample在每个神经元的输出为单位,每个sample在每个channel的mean&var都相互独立
      • GN:以每个sample在一组神经元的输出为单位,一组包含一个神经元的时候变成IN,一组包含一层所有神经元的时候就是LN
      • 示意图:

    • 对权重

      • WN:将权重分解为单位向量和一个固定标量,相当于神经元的任意输入vec点乘了一个单位vec(downscale),再rescale,进一步地相当于没有做shift和reshift的数据normalization
      • WS:对权重做全套(归一化再recale),比WN多了shift,“zero-center is the key”
    • 对op

      • CosN:

        • 将线性变换op替换成cos op:$f_w(x) = cos = \frac{w \cdot x}{|w||x|}$

        • 数学本质上又退化成了只有downscale的变换,表征能力不足


  1. purpose

    • images的adjacent pixel values are highly correlated,thus redundant
    • linearly move the origin distribution,making the inputs share the same mean & variance
  2. method

    • 首先进行PCA预处理,去掉correlation

      • mean on sample(注意不是mean on image)

      • 协方差矩阵

      • 奇异值分解svd(S)

        • $\Sigma$为对角矩阵,对角上的元素为奇异值
        • $U=[u_1,u_2,…u_N]$中是奇异值对应的正交向量
      • 投影变换

        • 取投影矩阵$U_p$ from $U$,$U_p \in R^{N*d}$表示将数据空间从N维投影到$U_p$所在的d维空间上
      • recover(投影逆变换)

        * 取投影矩阵$U_r=U_p^T$,就是将 数据空间从d维空间再投影回N维空间上

* PCA白化:

    * 对PCA投影后的新坐标,做归一化处理:基于特征值进行缩放
        X_{PCAwhite} = \Sigma^{-\frac{1}{2}}X^{'} =  \Sigma^{-\frac{1}{2}}U^TX

    * $X_{PCAwhite}$的协方差矩阵$S_{PCAwhite} = I$,因此是去了correlation的

* ZCA白化:在上一步做完之后,再把它变换到原始空间,所以ZCA白化后的特征图更接近原始数据

    * 对PCA白化后的数据,再做一步recover
        X_{ZCAwhite} = U X_{PCAwhite}

    * 协方差矩阵仍旧是I,合法白化

Layer Normalization

  1. 动机

    • BN reduces training time

      • compute by each neuron
      • require moving average
      • depend on mini-batch size
      • how to apply to recurrent neural nets
    • propose layer norm

      • [unlike BN] compute by each layer
      • [like BN] with adaptive bias & gain
      • [unlike BN] perform the same computation at training & test time
      • [unlike BN] straightforward to apply to recurrent nets
      • work well for RNNs
  2. 论点

    • BN
      • reduce training time & serves as regularizer
      • require moving average:introduce dependencies between training cases
      • the approxmation of mean & variance expectations constraints on the size of a mini-batch
    • intuition
      • norm layer提升训练速度的核心是限制神经元输入输出的变化幅度,稳定梯度
      • 只要控制数据分布,就能保持训练速度
  3. 方法

    • compute over all hidden units in the same layer
    • different training cases have different normalization terms
    • 没啥好说的,就是在channel维度计算norm
    • further的GN把channel维度分组做norm,IN在直接每个特征计算norm
    • gain & bias
  4. 实验

    • RNN上有用
    • CNN上比没有norm layer好,但是没有BN好:因为channel是特征维度,特征维度之间有明显的有用/没用,不能简单的norm

Weight Normalization: A Simple Reparameterization to Accelerate Training of Deep Neural Networks

  1. 动机
    • reparameterizing the weights
      • decouple length & direction
      • no dependency between samples which suits well for
        • recurrent
        • reinforcement
        • generative
    • no additional memory and computation
    • testified on
      • MLP with CIFAR
      • generative model VAE & DRAW
      • reinforcement DQN
  2. 论点
    • a neuron:
      • get inputs from former layers(neurons)
      • weighted sum over the inputs
      • add a bias
      • elementwise nonlinear transformation
      • batch outputs:one value per sample
    • intuition of normalization:
      • give gradients that are more like whitened natural gradients
      • BN:make the outputs of each neuron服从std norm
      • our WN:
        • inspired by BN
        • does not share BN’s across-sample property
        • no addition memory and tiny addition computation

Instance Normalization: The Missing Ingredient for Fast Stylization

  1. 动机

    • stylization:针对风格迁移网络
    • with a small change:swapping BN with IN
    • achieve qualitative improvement
  2. 论点

    • stylized image
      • a content image + a style image
      • both style and content statistics are obtained from a pretrained CNN for image classification
      • methods
        • optimization-based:iterative thus computationally inefficient
        • generator-based:single pass but never as good as
    • our work
      • revisit the feed-forward method
      • replace BN in the generator with IN
      • keep them at test time as opposed to freeze
  3. 方法

    • formulation

      • given a fixed stype image $x_0$
      • given a set of content images $x_t, t= 1,2,…,n$
      • given a pre-trained CNN
      • with a variable z controlling the generation of stylization results
      • compute the stylied image g($x_t$, z)
      • compare the statistics:$min_g \frac{1}{n} \sum^n_{t=1} L(x_0, x_t, g(x_t, z))$
      • comparing target:the contrast of the stylized image is similar to the constrast of the style image
    • observations

      • the more training examples, the poorer the qualitive results
      • the result of stylization still depent on the constrast of the content image
    • intuition

      • 风格迁移本质上就是将style image的contrast用在content image的:也就是rescale content image的contrast
      • constrast是per sample的:$\frac{pixel}{\sum pixels\ on\ the\ map}$

      • BN在norm的时候将batch samples搅合在了一起

    • IN

      • instance-specfic normalization
      • also known as contrast normalization

      • 就是per image做标准化,没有trainable/frozen params,在test phase也一样用

Group Normalization

  1. 动机

    • for small batch size
    • do normalization in channel groups
    • batch-independent
    • behaves stably over different batch sizes
    • approach BN’s accuracy

  2. 论点

    • BN
      • requires sufficiently large batch size (e.g. 32)
      • Mask R-CNN frameworks use a batch size of 1 or 2 images because of higher resolution, where BN is “frozen” by transforming to a linear layer
      • synchronized BN 、BR
    • LN & IN
      • effective for training sequential models or generative models
      • but have limited success in visual recognition
      • GN能转换成LN/IN
    • WN
      • normalize the filter weights, instead of operating on features
  3. 方法

    • group

      • it is not necessary to think of deep neural network features as unstructured vectors
        • 第一层卷积核通常存在一组对称的filter,这样就能捕获到相似特征
        • 这些特征对应的channel can be normalized together
    • normalization

      • transform the feature x:$\hat x_i = \frac{1}{\sigma}(x_i-\mu_i)$

      • the mean and the standard deviation:

      • the set $S_i$

        • BN:
          • $S_i=\{k|k_C = i_C\}$
          • pixels sharing the same channel index are normalized together
          • for each channel, BN computes μ and σ along the (N, H, W) axes
        • LN
          • $S_i=\{k|k_N = i_N\}$
          • pixels sharing the same batch index (per sample) are normalized together
          • LN computes μ and σ along the (C,H,W) axes for each sample
        • IN
          • $S_i=\{k|k_N = i_N, k_C=i_C\}$
          • pixels sharing the same batch index and the same channel index are normalized together
          • LN computes μ and σ along the (H,W) axes for each sample
        • GN
          • $S_i=\{k|k_N = i_N, [\frac{k_C}{C/G}]=[\frac{i_C}{C/G}]\}$
          • computes μ and σ along the (H, W ) axes and along a group of C/G channels
      • linear transform

        • to keep representational ability
        • per channel
        • scale and shift:$y_i = \gamma \hat x_i + \beta$

    • relation

      • to LN
        • LN assumes all channels in a layer make “similar contributions”
        • which is less valid with the presence of convolutions
        • GN improved representational power over LN
      • to IN
        • IN can only rely on the spatial dimension for computing the mean and variance
        • it misses the opportunity of exploiting the channel dependence
        • 【QUESTION】BN也没考虑通道间的联系啊,但是计算mean和variance时跨了sample
    • implementation

      • reshape
      • learnable $\gamma \& \beta$
      • computable mean & var

  4. 实验

    • GN相比于BN,training error更低,但是val error略高于BN
      • GN is effective for easing optimization
      • loses some regularization ability
      • it is possible that GN combined with a suitable regularizer will improve results
    • 选取不同的group数,所有的group>1均好于group=1(LN)
    • 选取不同的channel数(C/G),所有的channel>1均好于channel=1(IN)
    • Object Detection
      • frozen:因为higher resolution,batch size通常设置为2/GPU,这时的BN frozen成一个线性层$y=\gamma(x-\mu)/\sigma+beta$,其中的$\mu$和$sigma$是load了pre-trained model中保存的值,并且frozen掉,不再更新
      • denote as BN*
      • replace BN* with GN during fine-tuning
      • use a weight decay of 0 for the γ and β parameters

WS: Weight Standardization

  1. 动机

    • accelerate training
    • micro-batch:
      • 以BN with large-batch为基准
      • 目前BN with micro-batch及其他normalization methods都不能match这个baseline
    • operates on weights instead of activations
    • 效果
      • match or outperform BN
      • smooth the loss
  2. 论点

    • two facts

      • BN的performance gain与reduction of internal covariate shift没什么关系
      • BN使得optimization landscape significantly smoother
      • 因此our target is to find another technique
        • achieves smooth landscape
        • work with micro-batch
    • normalization methods

      • focus on activations
        • 不展开
      • focus on weights

        • WN:just length-direction decoupling

  3. 方法

    • Lipschitz constants

      • BN reduces the Lipschitz constants of the loss function
      • makes the gradient more Lipschitz
      • BN considers the Lipschitz constants with respect to activations,not the weights that the optimizer is directly optimizing
    • our inspiration

      • standardize the weights也同样能够smooth the landscape
      • 更直接
      • smoothing effects on activations and weights是可以累积的,因为是线性运算
    • Weight Standardization

      • reparameterize the original weights $W$
        • 对卷积层的权重参数做变换,no bias
        • $W \in R^{O * I}$
        • $O=C_{out}$
        • $I=C_{in}*kernel_size$
      • optimize the loss on $\hat W$
      • compute mean & var on I-dim
      • 只做标准化,无需affine,因为默认后续还要接一个normalization layer对神经元进行refine

    • WS normalizes gradients

      • 拆解:

        • eq5:$W$ to $\dot W$,减均值,zero-centered
        • eq6:$\dot W$ to $\hat W$,除方差,one-varianced
        • eq8:$\delta \hat W$由前一步的梯度normalize得到
        • eq9:$\delta \dot W$也由前一步的梯度normalize
        • 最终用于梯度更新的梯度是zero-centered

    • WS smooths landscape

      • 判定是否smooth就看Lipschitz constant的大小
      • eq5和eq6都能reduce the Lipschitz constant
      • 其中eq5 makes the major improvements
      • eq6 slightly improves,因为计算量不大,所以保留
  4. 实验

    • ImageNet

      • BN的batchsize是64,其余都是1,其余的梯度更新iterations改成64——使得参数更新次数同步
      • 所有的normalization methods加上WS都有提升
      • 裸的normalization methods里面batchsize1的GN最好,所以选用GN+WS做进一步实验
      • GN+WS+AF:加上conv weight的affine会harm

  5. code

# official release
# 放在WSConv2D子类的call里面
kernel_mean = tf.math.reduce_mean(kernel, axis=[0, 1, 2], keepdims=True, name='kernel_mean')
kernel = kernel - kernel_mean
kernel_std = tf.keras.backend.std(kernel, axis=[0, 1, 2], keepdims=True)
kernel = kernel / (kernel_std + 1e-5)