NFNet: High-Performance Large-Scale Image Recognition Without Normalization

  1. 动机

    • NF:
      • normalization-free
      • aims to match the test acc of batch-normalized networks
        • attain new SOTA 86.5%
        • pre-training + fine-tuning上也表现更好89.2%
    • batch normalization
      • 不是完美解决方案
      • depends on batch size
    • non-normalized networks
      • accuracy
      • instabilities:develop adaptive gradient clipping
  2. 论点

    • vast majority models
      • variants of deep residual + BN
      • allow deeper, stable and regularizing
    • disadvantages of batch normalization
      • computational expensive
      • introduces discrepancy between training & testing models & increase params
      • breaks the independence among samples
    • methods seeks to replace BN
      • alternative normalizers
      • study the origin benefits of BN
      • train deep ResNets without normalization layers
    • key theme when removing normalization
      • suppress the scale of the residual branch
      • simplest way:apply a learnable scalar
      • recent work:suppress the branch at initialization & apply Scaled Weight Standardization,能追上ResNet家族,但是没追上Eff家族
    • our NFNets’ main contributions
      • propose AGC:解决unstable问题,allow larger batch size and stronger augmentatons
      • NFNets家族刷新SOTA:又快又准
      • pretraining + finetuning的成绩也比batch normed models好
  3. 方法

    • Understanding Batch Normalization

      • four main benefits
        • downscale the residual branch:从initialization就保证残差分支的scale比较小,使得网络has well-behaved gradients early in training,从而efficient optimization
        • eliminates mean-shift:ReLU是不对称的,stacking layers以后数据分布会累积偏移
        • regularizing effect:mini-batch作为subset对于全集是有偏的,这种noise可以看作是regularizer
        • allows efficient large-batch training:数据分布稳定所以loss变化稳定,同时大batch更接近真实分布,因此我们可以使用更大的learning rate,但是这个property仅在使用大batch size的时候有效
    • NF-ResNets

      • recovering the benefits of BN:对residual branch进行scale和mean-shift
    • residual block:$h_{i+1} = h_i + \alpha f_i (h_i/\beta_i)$

    • $\beta_i = Var(h_i)$:对输入进行标准化(方差为1),这是个expected value,不是算出来的,结构定死就定死了

    • Scaled Weight Standardization & scaled activation

      • 比原版的WS多了一个$\sqrt N$的分母
        • 源码实现中比原版WS还多了learnable affine gain
      • 使得conv-relu以后输出还是标准分布

    • $\alpha=0.2$:rescale

    • residual branch上,最终的输出为$\alpha*$标准分布,方差是$\alpha^2$

    • id path上,输出还是$h_{i}$,方差是$Var(h_i)$

      • update这个block输出的方差为$Var(h_{i+1}) = Var(h_i)+\alpha^2$,来更新下一个block的 $\beta$

      • variance reset

        • 每个transition block以后,把variance重新设定为$1+\alpha^2$
          • 在接下来的non-transition block中,用上面的update公式更新expected std
      • 再加上additional regularization(Dropout和Stochastic Depth两种正则手段),就满足了BN benefits的前三条

        • 在batch size较小的时候能够catch up甚至超越batch normalized models
          • 但是large batch size的时候perform worse
      • 对于一个标准的conv-bn-relu,从workflow上看

        • origin:input——一个free的conv weighting——BN(norm & rescale)——activation
          • NFNet:input——standard norm——normed weighting & activation——rescale
  • Adaptive Gradient Clipping for Efficient Large-Batch Training

    • 梯度裁剪:

      • clip by norm:用一个clipping threshold $\lambda$ 进行rescale,training stability was extremely sensitive to 超参的选择,settings(model depth, the batch size, or the learning rate)一变超参就要重新调
  • clip by value:用一个clipping value进行上下限截断

  • AGC

    • given 某层的权重$W \in R^{NM}$ 和 对应梯度$G \in R^{NM}$

    • ratio $\frac{||G||_F}{||W||_F}$ 可以看作是梯度变化大小的measurement

    • 所以我们直观地想到将这个ratio进行限幅:所谓的adaptive就是在梯度裁剪的时候不是对所有梯度一刀切,而是考虑其对应权重大小,从而进行更合理的调节

      • 但是实验中发现unit-wise的gradient norm要比layer-wise的好:每个unit就是每行,对于conv weights就是(hxwxCin)中的一个

    • scalar hyperparameter $\lambda$

        * the optimal value may depend on the choice of optimizer, learning rate and batch size
        * empirically we found $\lambda$ should be smaller for larger batches
      • ablations for AGC

        • 用pre-activation NF-ResNet-50 和 NF-ResNet-200 做实验,batch size选择从256到4096,学习率从0.1开始基于batch size线性增长,超参$\lambda$的取值见右图
          • 左图结论1:在batch size较小的情况下,NF-Nets能够追上甚至超越normed models的精度,但是batch size一大(2048)情况就恶化了,但是有AGC的NF-Nets则能够maintaining performance comparable or better than~~~
          • 左图结论2:the benefits of using AGC are smaller when the batch size is small
      • 右图结论1:超参$\lambda$的取值比较小的时候,我们对梯度的clipping更strong,这对于使用大batch size训练的稳定性来说非常重要
    • whether or not AGC is beneficial for all layers

            * it is always better to not clip the final linear layer 
        * 最开始的卷积不做梯度裁剪也能稳定训练
      • 最终we apply AGC to every layer except for the final linear layer
    • Normalizer-Free Architectures

    • begin with SE-ResNeXt-D model

    • about group width

            * set group width to 128
      • the reduction in compute density means that 只减少了理论上的FLOPs,没有实际加速
    • about stages

            * R系列模型加深的时候是非线性增长,疯狂叠加stage3的block数,因为这一层resolution不大,channel也不是最多,兼顾了两侧计算量
      • 我们给F0设置为[1,2,6,3],然后在deeper variants中对每个stage的block数用一个scalar N线形增长
    • about width

            * 仍旧对stage3下手,[256,512,1536,1536]
            * roughly preserves the training speed
      • 一个论点:stage3 is the best place to add capacity,因为deeper enough同时have access to deeper levels同时又比最后一层有slightly higher resolution
    • about block

        * 实验发现最有用的操作是adding an additional 3 × 3 grouped conv after the first
        * overview

    • about scaling variants

            * eff系列采用的是R、W、D一起增长,因为eff的block比较轻量
      • 但是对R系列来说,只增长D和R就够了

      • 补充细节

          * 在inference阶段使用比训练阶段slightly higher resolution
        • 随着模型加大increase the regularization strength:
          • scale the drop rate of Dropout
          • 调整stochastic depth rate和weight decay则not effective
        • se-block的scale乘个2

        • SGD params:

          • Nesterov=True, momentum=0.9, clipnorm=0.01
          • lr:
            • 先warmup再余弦退火:increase from 0 to 1.6 over 5 epochs, then decay to zero with cosine annealing
            • 余弦退火cosine annealing

        • summary

          • 总结来说,就是拿来一个SE-ResNeXt-D
          • 先做结构上的调整,modified width and depth patterns以及a second spatial convolution,还有drop rate,resolution
          • 再做对梯度的调整:除了最后一个线形分类层以外,全用AGC,$\lambda=0.01$
        • 最后是训练上的trick:strong regularization and data augmentation

      • detailed view of NFBlocks

        • transition block:有下采样的block
          • 残差branch上,bottleneck的narrow ratio是0.5
          • 每个stage的3x3 conv的group width永远是128,而group数目是在随着block width变的
          • skip path接在 $\beta$ downscaling 之后
          • skip path上是avg pooling + 1x1 conv
        • non-transition block:无下采样的block

          • bottleneck-ratio仍旧是0.5
          • 3x3conv的group width仍旧是128
          • skip path接在$\beta$ downscaling 之前
          • skip path就是id

  1. 实验