
RepVGG: Making VGG-style ConvNets Great Again

  1. 动机

    • plain ConvNets
      • simply efficient but poor performance
    • propose a CNN architecture RepVGG
      • 能够decouple为training-time和inference-time两个结构
      • 通过structure re-paramterization technique
      • inference-time architecture has a VGG-like plain body
    • faster
      • 83% faster than ResNet-50 or 101% faster than ResNet-101
    • accuracy-speed trade-off
      • reaches over 80% top-1 accuracy
      • outperforms ResNets by a large margin
    • verify on classification & semantic segmentation tasks
  2. 论点

    • well-designed CNN architectures

      • Inception,ResNet,DenseNet,NAS models
      • deliver higher accuracy
      • drawbacks
        • multi-branch designs:slow down inference and reduce memory utilization,对高并行化的设备不友好
        • some components:depthwise & channel shuffle,increase memory access cost
      • MAC(memory access cost) constitutes a large time usage in groupwise convolution:我的groupconv实现里cardinality维度上计算不并行
      • FLOPs并不能precisely reflect actual speed,一些结构看似比old fashioned VGG/resnet的FLOPs少,但实际并没有快
    • multi-branch

      • 通常multi-branch model要比plain model表现好
      • 因为makes the model an implicit ensemble of numerous shallower models
      • so that avoids gradient vanishing
      • benefits are all for training
      • drawbacks are undesired for inference
    • the proposed RepVGG

      • advantages
        • plain architecture:no branches
        • 3x3 conv & ReLU组成
        • 没有过重的人工设计痕迹
      • training time use identity & 1x1 conv branches
      • at inference time

        • identity 可以看做degraded 1x1 conv
        • 1x1 conv 可以看做degraded 3x3 conv
        • 最终整个conv-bn branches能够整合成一个3x3 conv
        • inference-time model只包含conv和ReLU:没有max pooling!!
        • fewer memory units:分支会占内存,直到分支计算结束,plain结构的memory则是immediately released

  3. 方法

    • training-time

      • ResNet-like block
        • id + 1x1 conv + 3x3 conv multi-branches
        • use BN in each branch
        • with n blocks, the model can be interpreted as an ensemble of $3^n$ models
        • stride2的block应该没有id path吧??
      • simply stack serveral blocks to construct the training model
    • inference-time

      • re-param

        • inference-time BN也是一个线性计算
        • 两个1x1 conv都可以转换成中通的3x3 kernel,有权/无权
        • 要求各branch has the same strides & padding pixel要对齐

      • architectural specification

        • variety:depth and width
        • does not use maxpooling:只有一种operator:3x3 conv+relu
        • head:GAP + fc / task specific
        • 5 stages
          • 第一个stage处理high resolution,stride2
          • 第五个stage shall have more channels,所以只用一层,save parameters
          • 给倒数第二个stage最多层,考虑params和computation的balance
        • RepVGG-A:[1,2,4,14,1],用来compete against轻量和中量级model
        • RepVGG-B:deeper in s2,3,4,[1,4,6,16,1],用来compete against high-performance ones

        • basic width:[64, 128, 256, 512]

          • width multiplier a & b
          • a控制前4个stage宽度,b控制最后一个stage
          • [64a, 128a, 256a, 512b]
          • 第一个stage的宽度只接受变小不接受变大,因为大resolution影响计算量,min(64,64a)

        • further reduce params & computation

          • groupwise 3x3 conv
          • 跳着层换:从第三开始,第三、第五、
          • number of groups:1,2,4 globally
  4. 实验

    • 分支的作用

    • 结构上的微调

      • id path去掉BN
      • 把所有的BN移动到add的后面
      • 每个path加上relu

    • ImageNet分类任务上对标其他模型

      • simple augmentation

      • strong:Autoaugment, label smoothing and mixup