
[bag of tricks] Bag of Tricks for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks:结论就是两阶段,input mixup + CAM-based DRS + muted mixup fine-tuning组合使用最好

[balanced-meta softmax] Balanced Meta-Softmax for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition:商汤

[eql] Equalization Loss for Long-Tailed Object Recognition

[eql2] Equalization Loss v2: A New Gradient Balance Approach for Long-tailed Object Detection

[Class Rectification Loss] Imbalanced Deep Learning by Minority Class Incremental Rectification:提出CRL使得模型能够识别分布稀疏的小类们的边界,以此避免大类主导的影响

Bag of Tricks for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

  1. 动机

    • to give a detailed experimental guideline of common tricks
    • to obtain the effective combinations of these tricks
    • propose a novel data augmentation approach
  2. 论点

    • long-tailed datasets
      • poor accuray on the under-presented minority
      • long-tailed CIFAR:
        • 指数型衰减
        • imbalance factor:50/100
        • test set unchanged
      • ImageNet-LT
        • sampling the origin set follow the pareto distribution
        • test set is balanced
      • iNaturalist
        • extremely imbalanced real world dataset
        • fine-grained problem
    • different learning paradigms
      • metric learning
      • meta learning
      • knowledge transfer
      • suffer from high sensitivity to hyper-parameters
    • training tricks
      • re-weighting
      • re-sample
      • mixup
      • two-stage training
      • different tricks might hurt each other
      • propose a novel data augmentation approach based on CAM:generate images with transferred foreground and unchanged background
  3. 方法

    • start from baseline

    • re-weighting

      • baseline:CE
      • re-weighting methods:
        • cost-sensitive CE:按照样本量线性加权$\frac{n_c}{n_{min}}$
        • focal loss:困难样本加权
        • class-balanced loss:
          • effective number rather than 样本量$n_c$
          • hyperparameter $\beta$ and weighting factor:$\frac{1-\beta}{1-\beta^{n_c}}$
        • 在cifar10上有效,但是cifar100上就不好了
          • directly application in training procedure is not a proper choice
          • especially when类别增多,imbalance加剧的时候
    • re-sampling

      • re-sampling methods
        • over-sampling:
          • 随机复制minority
          • might leads to overfitting
        • under-sampling
          • 随机去掉一些majority
          • be preferable to over-sampling
        • 有规律地sampling
          • 大体都是imbalanced向着lighter imbalanced向着balanced推动
        • artificial sampling methods
          • create artificial samples
          • sample based on gradients and features
          • likely to introduce noisy data
      • 观察到提升效果不明显
    • mixup

      • input mixup:input mixup can be further improved if we remove the mixup in last several epochs
      • manifold mixup:on only one layer
      • 观察到两种mixup功效差不多,后面发现input mixup更好些

        • input mixup去掉再finetuning几个epoch结果又提升,manifold则会变差

    • two-stage training

      • imbalanced training + balanced fine-tuning
      • vanilla training schedule on imbalanced data
        • 先学特征
      • fine-tune on balanced subsets
        • 再调整recognition accuracy
        • deferred re-balancing by re-sampling (DRS) :propose CAM-based sampling
        • deferred re-balancing by re-weighting (DRW)
      • proposed CAM-based sampling
        • DRS only replicate or remove
        • for each sampled image, apply the trained model & its ground truth label to generate CAM
        • 用heatmap的平均值作为阈值来区分前背景
        • 对前景apply transformations
          • horizontal flipping
          • translation
          • rotating
          • scaling
      • 发现fine-tuning时候再resample比直接resample的结果好
      • proposed CAM-based sampling好于其他sampling,其中CAM-based balance- sampling最好
      • ImageTrans balance-sampling只做变换,不用CAM区分前背景,结果不如CAM-based,证明CAM有用

      • 发现fine-tuning时候再reweight比直接reweight的结果好

      • 其中CSCE(按照样本量线性加权)最好

      • 整体来看DRS的结果稍微比DRW好一点

    • trick combinations

      • two-stage的CAM-based DRS略好于DRW,两个同时用不会further improve
      • 再加上mixup的话,input比manifold好一些
      • 结论就是:input mixup + CAM-based DRS + mute fine-tuning,apply the tricks incrementally

Balanced Meta-Softmax for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition

  1. 动机

    • long-tailed:mismatch between training and testing distributions
    • softmax:biased gradient estimation under the long-tailed setup
    • propose
      • Balanced Softmax:an elegant unbiased extension of Softmax
      • apply a complementary Meta Sampler:optimal sample rate
    • classification & segmentation
  2. 论点

    • raw baseline:a model that minimizes empirical risk on long-tailed training datasets often underperforms on a class-balanced test set
    • most methods use re-sampling or re-weighting
      • to simulate a balanced dataset
      • may under-class the majority or have gradient issue
    • meta-learning
      • optimize the weight per sample
      • need a clean and unbiased dataset
    • decoupled training
      • 就是上面一篇论文中的两阶段,第一阶段先学表征,第二阶段调整分布fine-tuning
      • not adequate for datasets with extremely high imbalance factor
    • LDAM
      • Label-Distribution-Aware Margin Loss
      • larger generalization error bound for minority
      • suit for binary classification
    • we propose BALMS
      • Balanced Meta-Softmax
      • theoretically equivalent with generalization error bound
      • for datasets with high imbalance factors should combine Meta Sampler
  3. 方法

    • balanced softmax

      • biased:从贝叶斯条件概率公式看,standard softmax上默认了均匀采样的p(y),在长尾分布的时候,就是有偏的
      • 加权:

        • 加在softmax项里面
        • 基于样本量线性加权

      • 数学意义上:we need to focus on minimizing the training loss of the tail classes

    • meta sampler

      • resample和reweight直接combine可能会worsen performance
      • class balance resample可能有over-balance issue
    • combination procedures

      • 对当前分布,先计算balanced-softmax,保存一个梯度更新后的模型
      • 计算这个临时模型在meta set上的CE,对分布embedding进行梯度更新:评估当前分布咋样,往一定方向矫正
      • 对真正的模型,用最新的分布,计算balanced-softmax,进行梯度更新:用优化后的分布,引导模型学习
  4. 实验

    • CE的结果呈现明显的长尾同分布趋势
    • CBS有缓解
    • BS更好
    • BS+CBS会over sample
    • BS+meta最好

Imbalanced Deep Learning by Minority Class Incremental Rectification

  1. 动机

    • significantly imbalanced training data
    • propose
      • batch-wise incremental minority class rectification model
      • Class Rectification Loss (CRL)
    • bring benefits to both minority and majority class boundary learning

  2. 论点

    • Most methods produce learning bias towards the majority classes
      • to eliminate bias
        • lifting the importance of minority classes:over-sampling can easily cause model overfitting,可能造成对小类别的过分关注,而对大类别不够重视,影响模型泛化能力
        • cost-sensitive learning:difficult to optimise
        • threshold-adjustment technique:given by experts
    • previous methods mainly investigate single-label binary-class with small imbalance ratio
    • real data
      • large ratio:power-law distributions
      • Subtle appearance discrepancy
    • hard sample mining
      • hard negatives are more informative than easy negatives as they violate a model class boundary
      • we only consider hard mining on the minority classes for efficiency
      • our batch-balancing hard mining strategy:eliminating exhaustive searching
    • LMLE
      • 唯一的竞品:考虑了data imbalance的细粒度分类
      • not end-to-end
      • global hard mining
      • computationally complex and expensive
  3. 方法

    • CRL overview

      • explicitly imposing structural discrimination of minority classes
      • batch-wise
      • operate on CE
      • forcus on minority class only:the conventional CE loss can already model the majority classes well
    • limitations of CE

      • CE treat the individual samples and classes as equally important
      • the learned model is suboptimal
      • boundaries are biased towards majority classes
    • profile the class distribution for each class

      • hard mining
      • overview

    • minority class hard sample mining

      • selectively “borrowing” majority class samples from class decision boundary

      • to minority class’s perspective:mining both hard-positive and hard-negative samples

      • define minority class:selected in each mini-batch

      • Incremental refinement:

        • eliminates the LMLE’s drawback in assuming that local group structures of all classes can be estimated reliably by offline global clustering
        • mini-batch的data distribution和训练集不是完全一致的
      • steps

        • profile the minority and majority classes per label in each training mini-batch

          • for each sample,for each class $j$,for each pred class $k$,we have $h^j=[h_1^j, …, h_k^j, …, h_{n_cls}^j]$
          • sort $h_k^j$ in descent order,define the minority classes for each class with $C_{min}^j = \sum_{k\in C_{min}^j}h_k^j \leq \rho * n_{bs}$,with $\rho=0.5$
        • hard mining

          • hardness

            • score based:prediction score,class-level
            • feature based:feature distance,instance-level
          • class-level,for class c

            • hard-positives:same gt class,but low prediction
            • hard-negative:different gt class,with high prediction
          • instance-level,for each sample in class c

            • hard-positives:same gt class,large distance with current sample
            • hard-negative:different gt class,small distance with current sample
          • top-k mining

            • hard-positives:bottom-k scored on c/top-k distance on c
            • hard-negative:top-k scored on c/bottom-k distance on c
          • score-based yields superior to distance-based

    • CRL

      • final weighted loss:$L = \alpha L_{crl}+(1-\alpha)L_{ce}$,$\alpha=\eta\Omega_{imbalance}$
      • class imbalance measure $\Omega$:more weighting is assigned to more imbalanced labels
      • form
        • triplet loss:类内+类间
        • contrastive loss:类内
        • modelling the distribution relationship of positive and negative pairs:没看懂
  4. 总结

    就是套用现有的metric learning,定义了一个变化的minority class,垃圾。

    说到底就是大数据——CE,小数据——metric learning。