Corner Proposal Network for Anchor-free, Two-stage Object Detection

  1. 动机

    • anchor-free
    • two-stage
      • 先找potential corner keypoints
      • classify each proposal
    • corner-based方法:对于objects of various scales有效,在训练中避免产生过多的冗余false-positive proposals,但是在结果上会出现更多的fp
    • 得到的是competitive results
  2. 论点

    • anchor-based methods对形状奇怪的目标容易漏检
    • anchor-free methods容易引入假阳caused by mistakely grouping

      • thus an individual classifier is strongly required
    • Corner Proposal Network (CPN)

      • use key-point detection in CornerNet
      • 但是group阶段不再用embedding distance衡量,而是用a binary classifier
      • 然后是multi-class classifier,operate on the survived objects
      • 最后soft-NMS