
MegDet: A Large Mini-Batch Object Detector

  1. 动机

    • past methods mainly come from novel framework or loss design
    • this paper studies the mini-batch size

      • enable training with a large mini-batch size
      • warmup learning rate policy
      • cross-gpu batch normalization
    • faster & better acc

  2. 论点

    • potential drawbacks with small mini-batch sizes

      • long training time

      • inaccurate statistics for BN:previous methods use fixed statistics from ImageNet which is a sub-optimal trade-off

      • positive & negative training examples are more likely imblanced

      • 加大batch size以后,正负样本比例有提升,所以yolov3会先锁着back开大batchsize做warmup

    • learning rate dilemma

      • large min-batch size usually requires large learning rate
      • large learning rate is likely leading to convergence failure
      • a smaller learning rate often obtains inferior results
    • solution of the paper

      • linear scaling rule
      • warmup
      • Cross-GPU Batch Normalization (CGBN)
  3. 方法

    • warmup

      • set up the learning rate small enough at the be- ginning
      • then increase the learning rate with a constant speed after every iteration, until fixed
    • Cross-GPU Batch Normalization

      • 两次同步
      • tensorpack里面有

  4. 一次同步

    • 异步BN:batch size 较小时,每张卡计算得到的统计量可能与整体数据样本具有较大差异

    • 同步:

    • 需要同步的是每张卡上计算的统计量,即BN层用到的均值$\mu$和方差$\sigma^2$

    • 这样多卡训练结果才与单卡训练效果相当

    • 两次同步:

    • 第一次同步均值:计算全局均值

    • 第二次同步方差:基于全局均值计算各自方差,再取平均

    • 一次同步:

      • 核心在于方差的计算

      • 首先均值:$\mu = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^m x_i$

        • 然后是方差:
  * 计算每张卡的$\sum x_i$和$\sum x_i^2$,就可以一次性算出总均值和总方差