

  • [v1 2019] Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Human Pose Estimation:base HRNet,提出parallel multi-resolution subnetworks,highest resolution output作为输出
  • [v2 2019] High-Resolution Representations for Labeling Pixels and Regions:simple modification,在末端输出的时候加了一步融合,将所有resolution-level的feature上采样到output-level然后concat

Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Human Pose Estimation

  1. 动机

    • human pose estimation
    • high-resolution representations through
      • existing methods recover high-res feature from the low,大多数方法是recover系
      • this methods maintain the high-res from start to the end,本文是maintaining系
      • add high-to-low resolution subnetworks
      • repeated multi-scale fusions
    • more accurate and spatially more precise
    • estimate on the high-res output,最后的high-res representation作为输出,接各种task heads
  2. 论点

    • in parallel rather than in series:potentially spatially more precise,相比较于recover类的架构,不会导致过多的spatial resolution loss,recover类的架构有时会用空洞卷积来维持resolution来降低spatial resolution loss

    • repeated multi- scale fusions:boost both high&low representations,more accurate

    • pose estimation

      • probabilistic graphical model
      • regression
      • heatmap
    • High-to-low and low-to-high frameworks

      • Symmetric high-to-low and low-to-high:Hourglass
      • Heavy high-to-low and light low-to-high:ResNet back + simple bilinear upsampling
      • Heavy high-to-low with dilated convolutions and further lighter low-to-high:ResNet with atrous conv + fewer bilinear upsampling

      • high-to-low part和low-to-hight part:有对称和不对称两种,对称就如Hourglass,不对称就是down-path使用heavy classification backboens,up-path使用轻量的上采样

      • fusion:
        • a和b都有skip-connections,将down-path和up-path的特征融合,目的是融合low-level和high-level的特征
        • a里面还有不同resolution level的融合
        • fusion方式有sum/concat
      • refinenet:也就是up-path,可以用upSampling/transpose convs
  3. 方法

    • task description

      • human pose estimation = keypoint detection
      • detect K keypoints from an Image (H,W,3)
      • state-of-the art methods:predict K heatmaps,each indicates one of the keypoint
        • a stem with 2 strided conv
        • a body outputting features with the same input resolution
        • a regressor estimating heatmaps
      • we focus on the design of the main body
    • sequential & parallel multi-resolution networks

      • notation:$N_{sr}$

        • s is the stage
        • r is the resolution index,denotes $\frac{1}{2^{r-1}}$ of the resolution of the first subnetwork
      • sequential

      • parallel

    • overview

      • four stages
      • channels double when halve the res
      • 1st stage
        • 第一个stage是一个high-resolution subnetwork,没有下采样,没有parallel分支
        • 4 residual units,bottleneck resblock
        • width=64
        • 3x3 conv reducing width to C
      • 2、3、4 stages
        • 接下来的stage gradually add high-to-low subnetwork
        • 是multi-resolution subnetworks
        • 每个subnetwork都比前一个多一个extra lower one resolution
        • contain 1, 4, 3 exchange blocks respectively
        • exchange block
          • conv:4 residual units,two 3x3 conv
          • exchange unit
      • width
        • C:width of the high-resolution subnetworks in last three stages
        • other three parallel subnetworks
          • HRNet-W32:64, 128, 256
          • HRNet-W48:96, 192, 384
    • repeated multi-scale fusion

      • exchange blocks:每个high-to-low subnetwork包含多个parallel分支,每条path称为exchange block,每个exchange block包含一系列3-conv-units + a exchange unit

      • 3-conv-units:堆叠卷积核,提取特征,加深网络

      • exchange unit:交换不同resolution level的信息

        • notations:一系列输入$\{X_1,X_2, …, X_r\}$,一系列输出$\{Y_1,Y_2, …, Y_r\}$,如果跨stage还有一个$Y_{r+1}$

        • 每个$Y_k$都是一个aggregation of the input maps:$Y_k=\sum^s_i a(X_i,k)$

          • i<k:需要下采样,每下采样一倍都是一个stride2-3x3-conv
          • i=k:identify connection
          • i>k:需要上采样,nearest neighbor upsamp + 1x1-align-conv
          • k=$r+1$:需要在$Y_r$的基础上,在执行一次stride2-3x3-conv下采样得到

      • fusion:sum,所以上/下采样都需要通道对齐,输出map和对应level的输入map保持尺寸不变

    • heatmap estimation

      • from the last high-res exchange unit
      • mse
      • gt gassian map:std=1
    • network instantiation

      • stem + 4 stages
      • 每个new stage input:res halved and channel doubled
      • stem
        • 两个s2-conv-bn-relu,channel 64
      • first stage:
        • 使用和ResNet-50中一样的4个residual units,channel 64
        • 然后用一个3x3-conv调整channel到一个起始channel C
      • 2/3/4 stage
        • 堆叠exchange blocks,分别有1/4/3个exchange block
        • 每个exchange block使用4个residual units和1个exchange unit
        • 也就是总共有8次multi-scale fusion
        • channel C/2C/4C
      • HRNet-32:C=64
      • HRNet-48:C=96

HRNet v2: High-Resolution Representations for Labeling Pixels and Regions

  1. 动机

    • High-resolution representation很重要
    • HRNet v1已经有不错的结果
    • a further study on high resolution representations
    • a small modification:之前只关注high-resolution representations,现在关注所有level的output representations
  2. 论点

    • 获得high resolution representation的两大方式

      • recover系:先下采样,然后用low-resolution重建,Hourglass,U-net,encoder-decoder
      • maintain系:始终保留high-resolution的representation,同时不断用parallel low-resolution representations来strengthen,HRNet
    • HRNet

      • maintains high-resolution representations
      • connecting high-to-low resolution convolutions in parallel
      • repeatedly conducting multi-scale fusions across levels
      • 简单来说,就是在每个阶段,保留现有resolution level,同时
      • 不仅representation足够强大(融合了low-level high semantic info),还spatially precise

    • our modification HRNetV2

      • HRNet 里面我们只关注最上面的high-resolution representation
      • HRNet V2里面我们探索所有high-to-low parallel paths上面的representations
      • 在语意分割任务中我们使用output high resolution representations来生成heatmaps
      • 在检测任务中我们将multi-level的representations给到FastRCNN
  3. 方法

    • Architecture

      • multi-resolution block
        • multi-resolution group convolution:在每个representation level分别执行分组卷积,deeper
        • multi-resolution convolution:发生在所有representation level上
        • 下采样:stride-2 3x3 conv
        • 上采样:bilinear /nearest neighbor
    • Modification

      • HRNetV1:只把最后一个阶段 highest resolution的representation作为输出
      • HRNetV2:最后一个阶段,每个resolution level的representations都上采样到highest,然后concat作为输出,甚至还将这个输出进一步下采样得到feature pyramid

      • HRNet for classification:也可以反向操作,将最后一个阶段每个resolution level的representations都下采样到lowest,然后sum,最后output 2048-dim representation is fed into the classifier

  4. 实验