data aug

[mixup] mixup: BEYOND EMPIRICAL RISK MINIMIZATION:对不同类别的样本,不仅可以作为数据增广手段,还可以用于semi-supervised learning(MixMatch)

[mixmatch] MixMatch: A Holistic Approach to Semi-Supervised Learning:针对半监督数据的数据增广

[mosaic] from YOLOv4

[AutoAugment] AutoAugment: Learning Augmentation Policies from Data:google

[RandAugment] RandAugment: Practical automated data augmentation with a reduced search space:google

RandAugment: Practical automated data augmentation with a reduced search space

  1. 动机

    • AutoAugment
      • separate search phase
      • run on a subset of a huge dataset
      • unable to adjust the regularization strength based on model or dataset size
    • RandAugment

      • significantly reduced search space
      • can be used uniformly across tasks and datasets
      • match or exceeds the previous val acc

  2. 方法

    • formulation

      • always select a transformation with uniform prob $\frac{1}{K}$

      • given N transformations for an image:there are $K^N$ potential policies

      • fixied magnitude schedule M:we choose Constant,因为只要一个hyper

      • run naive grid search

    • 疑问:这样每个op等概率,就不再data-specific了,也看不出自然图像更prefer color transformation这种结论了

AutoAugment: Learning Augmentation Policies from Data

  1. 动机

    • search for data augmentation policies

    • propose AutoAugment

      • create a search space composed of augmentation sub-policies
        • one sub-policy is randomly choosed per image per mini-batch
        • a sub-policy consists of two base operations
      • find the best policy:yields the highest val acc on the target dataset

      • the learned policy can transfer

  2. 论点

    • data augmentation
      • to teach a model about invariance
      • in data domain is easier than hardcoding it into model architecture
      • currently dataset-specific and often do not transfer:
        • MNIST:elastic distortions, scale, translation, and rotation
        • CIFAR & ImageNet:random cropping, image mirroring and color shifting / whitening
        • GAN:直接生成图像,没有归纳policy
    • we aim to automate the process of finding an effective data augmentation policy for a target dataset
      • each policy:
        • operations in certain order
        • probabilities after applying
        • magnitudes
      • use reinforcement learning as the search algorithm
    • contributions
      • SOTA on CIFAR & ImageNet & SVHN
      • new insight on transfer learning:使用预训练权重没有显著提升的dataset上,使用同样的aug policies则会涨点
  3. 方法

    • formulation

      • search space of policies

        • policy:a policy consists of 5 sub-policies
        • sub-policy:each sub-policy consisting of two image operations
        • operation:each operation is also associated with two hyperparameters
          • probability:of applying the operation,uniformly discrete into 11 values
          • magnitude:of the operation,uniformly discrete into 10 values
        • a mini-batch share the same chosen sub-policy
      • operations:16 in total,mainly use PIL

      • searching goal

        • with $(161011)^2$ choices of sub-policies
        • we want 5
    • example

      • 一个sub-policy包含两个operation
      • 每个operation有一定的possibility做/不做
      • 每个operation有一定的magnitude决定做后的效果

  4. 结论

    • On CIFAR-10, AutoAugment picks mostly color-based transformations

    • on ImageNet, AutoAugment focus on color-based transformations as well, besides geometric transformation and rotate is commonly used

      • one of the best policy

      • overall results


  1. 动机

    • classification task
    • memorization and sensitivity issue
      • reduces the memorization of corrupt labels
      • increases the robustness to adversarial examples
      • improves the generalization
      • can be used to stabilize the training of GANs
    • propose convex combinations of pairs of examples and their labels
  2. 论点

    • ERM(Empirical Risk Minimization):issue of generalization

      • allows large neural networks to memorize (instead of generalize from) the training data even in the presence of strong regularization
      • neural networks change their predictions drastically when evaluated on examples just outside the training distribution
    • VRM(Vicinal Risk Minimization):introduce data augmentation

      • e.g. define the vicinity of one image as the set of its horizontal reflections, slight rotations, and mild scalings
      • vicinity share the same class
      • does not model the vicinity relation across examples of different classes
    • ERM中的training set并不是数据的真实分布,只是用有限数据来近似真实分布,memorization也会最小化training error,但是对training seg以外的sample就leads to undesirable behaviour
    • mixup就是VRM的一种,propose a generic vicinal distribution,补充vicinity relation across examples of different classes
  3. 方法

    • mixup

      • constructs virtual training examples

      • use two examples drawn at random:raw inputs & raw one-hot labels

      • 理论基础:linear interpolations of feature vectors should lead to linear interpolations of the associated targets

      • hyper-parameter $\alpha$

        • $\lambda = np.random.beta(\alpha, \alpha)$
      • controls the strength of interpolation
    • 初步结论

    • three or more examples mixup does not provide further gain but more computation

    • interpolating only between inputs with equal label did not lead to the performance gains

    • key elemets——two inputs with different label

    • vis

      • decision boundaries有了一个线性过渡

      • 更准确 & 梯度更小:error少所以loss小所以梯度小??

  4. 实验

    • 初步分类实验

      • $\alpha \in [0.1, 0.4]$ leads to improved performance,largers leads to underfitting
      • models with higher capacities and/or longer training runs are the ones to benefit the most from mixup
    • memorization of corrupted labels

      • 将数据集中一部分label换成random noise
      • ERM直接过拟合,在corrupted sample上面training error最小,测试集上test error最大
      • dropout有效防止过拟合,但是mixup outperforms它
      • corrupted label多的情况下,dropout+mixup performs the best

    • robustness to adversarial examples

      • Adversarial examples are obtained by adding tiny (visually imperceptible) perturbations
      • 常规操作data augmentation:produce and train on adversarial examples
      • add significant computational:样本数量增多,梯度变化大
      • mixup results in a smaller loss and gradient norm:因为mixup生成的假样本“更合理一点”,梯度变化更小
    • ablation study

      • mixup is the best:绝对领先第二mix input + label smoothing

      • the effect of regularization

        • ERM需要大weight decay,mixup需要小的——说明mixup本身的regularization effects更强
        • 高层特征mixup需要更大的weight decay——随着层数加深regularization effects减弱
        • AC+RP最强

        • label smoothing和add Gaussian noise to inputs 相对比较弱

        • mix inputs only(SMOTE) shows no gain

MixMatch: A Holistic Approach to Semi-Supervised Learning

  1. 动机

    • semi-supervised learning
    • unify previous methods
    • proposed mixmatch
      • guessing low-entropy labels
      • mixup labeled and unlabeled data
    • useful for differentially private learning
  2. 论点

    • semi-supervised learning add a loss term computed on unlabeled data and encourages the model to generalize better to unseen data
    • the loss term
      • entropy minimization:decision boundary应该尽可能远离数据簇,因此prediction on unlabeled data也应该是high confidence
      • consistency regularization:增强前后的unlabeled data输出分布一致
      • generic regularization:weight decay & mixup
    • MixMatch unified all above
      • introduces a unified loss term for unlabeled data
  3. 方法

    • overview

      • given:a batch of labeled examples $X$ and a batch of labeled examples $U$
      • augment+label guess:a batch of augmented labeled examples $X^{‘}$ and a batch of augmented labeled examples $U^{‘}$
      • compute:separate labeled and unlabeled loss terms $L_X$ and $L_U$
      • combine:weighted sum

    • MixMatch

      • data augmentation

        • 常规augmentation
        • 作用于每一个$x_b$和$u_b$
        • $u_b$做$K$次增强
      • label guessing

        • 对增强的$K$个$u_b$分别预测,然后取平均
        • average class prediction
      • sharpening

        • reduce the entropy of the label distribution
        • 拉高最大prediction,拉小其他的
        • $Sharpen (p, T)_i =\frac{p_i^{\frac{1}{T}}}{\sum^{N}_j p_j^{\frac{1}{T}}} $
        • $T$趋近于0的时候,processed label就接近one-hot了
      • mixup

        • slightly modified form of mixup to make the generated sample being more closer to the original

      • loss function

        • labeled loss:typical cross-entropy loss
      • unlabeled loss:squared L2,bounded and less sensitive to completely incorrect predictions

    • hyperparameters

      • sharpening temperature $T$:fixed 0.5

        • number of unlabeled augmentations $K$:fixed 2
        • MixUp Beta parameter $\alpha$:0.75 for start
        • unsupervised loss weight $\lambda_U$:100 for start
      • Algorithm

  4. 实验

[mosaic] from YOLOv4