CornerNet: Detecting Objects as Paired Keypoints
- corner formulation
- top-left corner
- bottom-right corner
- anchor-free
- corner pooling
- no multi-scale
- corner formulation
anchor box drawbacks
- huge set of anchors boxes to ensure sufficient overlap,cause huge imbalance
- hyperparameters and design choices
detect and group
- heatmap to predict corners
- 从数学表达上看,全图wh个tl corner,wh个bt corner,可以表达wwhh个框
- anchor-based,全图wh个中心点,9个anchor size,只能表达有限的框,且可能match不上
- embeddings to group pairs of corners
- heatmap to predict corners
corner pooling
better localize corners which are usually out of the foreground
modifid hourglass architecture
add our novel variant of focal loss
two prediction modules
C channels, C for number of categories
binary mask
each corner has only one ground-truth positive
penalty the neighbored negatives within a radius that still hold high iou (0.3 iou)
- determine the radius
- penalty reduction $=e^{-\frac{x^2+y^2}{2\sigma^2}}$
variant focal loss
$\alpha=2, \beta=4$
N is the number of gts
- associative embedding
- use 1-dimension embedding
- pull and push loss on gt positives
- $L_{pull} = \frac{1}{N} \sum^N [(e_{tk}-e_k)^2 + (e_{bk}-e_k)^2]$
- $L_{push} = \frac{1}{N(N-1)} \sum_j^N\sum_{k\neq j}^N max(0, \Delta -|e_k-e_j|)$
- $e_k$ is the average of $e_{tk}$ and $e{bk}$
- $\Delta$ = 1
- 从heatmap resolution remapping到origin resolution存在精度损失
greatly affect the IoU of small bounding boxes
shared among all categories
smooth L1 loss on gt positives
$$ L_{off} = \frac{1}{N} \sum^N SmoothL1(o_k, \hat o_k)
corner pooling
- top-left pooling layer:
* 从当前点(i,j)开始, * 向下elementwise max所有feature vecor,得到$t_{i,j}$ * 向右elementwise max所有feature vecor,得到$l_{i,j}$ * 最后两个vector相加
- bottom-right corner:向左向上
- top-left pooling layer:
Hourglass Network
- hourglass modules
- series of convolution and max pooling layers
- series of upsampling and convolution layers
- skip layers
multiple hourglass modules stacked:reprocess the features to capture higher-level information
intermediate supervision
下一级hourglass module的输入包括三个部分
- 前一级输入
- 前一级输出
- 中继监督的输出
- hourglass2 input:1x1 conv-BN to both input and output of hourglass1 + add + relu
- hourglass modules
Our backbone
- 2 hourglasses
- 5 times downsamp with channels [256,384,384,384,512]
- use stride2 conv instead of max-pooling
- upsamp:2 residual modules + nearest neighbor upsampling
- skip connection: 2 residual modules,add
- mid connection: 4 residual modules
- stem: 7x7 stride2, ch128 + residual stride2, ch256
- hourglass2 input:1x1 conv-BN to both input and output of hourglass1 + add + relu
- training details
- randomly initialized, no pretrained
- bias:set the biases in the convolution layers that predict the corner heatmaps
- input:511x511
- output:128x128
- apply PCA to the input image
- full loss:$L = L_{det} + \alpha L_{pull} + \beta L_{push} + \gamma L_{off}$
- 配对loss:$\alpha=\beta=0.1$
- offset loss:$\gamma=1$
- batch size = 49 = 4+5x9
- test details
- NMS:3x3 max pooling on heatmaps
- pick:top100 top-left corners & top100 bottom-right corners
- filter pairs:
- L1 distance greater than 0.5
- from different categories
- fusion:combine the detections from the original and flipped images + soft nms
- Ablation Study
- corner pooling is especially helpful for medium and large objects
- penalty reduction especially benefits medium and large objects
- CornerNet achieves a much higher AP at 0.9 IoU than other detectors:更有能力生成高质量框
- error analysis:the main bottleneck is detecting corners
- training details
CornerNet-Lite: Efficient Keypoint-Based Object Detection
keypoint-based methods
- detecting and grouping
- accuary but with processing cost
propose CornerNet-Lite
- CornerNet-Saccade:attention mechanism
- CornerNet-Squeeze:a new compact backbone
- main drawback of cornerNet
- inference speed
- reducing the number of scales or the image resolution cause a large accuracy drop
- two orthogonal directions
- reduce the number of pixels to process:CornerNet-Saccade
- reduce the amount of processing per pixel:
- CornerNet-Saccade
- downsized attention map
- select a subset of crops to examine in high resolution
- for off-line:AP of 43.2% at 190ms per image
- CornerNet-Squeeze
- inspired by squeezeNet and mobileNet
- 1x1 convs
- bottleneck layers
- depth-wise separable convolution
- for real-time:AP of 34.4% at 30ms
- combined??
- CornerNet-Squeeze-Saccade turns out slower and less accurate than CornerNet- Squeeze
- Saccades:扫视
- to generate interesting crops
- RCNN系列:single-type & single object
- AutoFocus:add a branch调用faster-RCNN,thus multi-type & mixed-objects,有single branch有multi branch
- CornerNet-Saccade:
- single-type & multi object
- crops can be much smaller than number of objects
- main drawback of cornerNet
step1:obtain possible locations
- downsize:two scales,255 & 192,zero-padding
- predicts 3 attention maps
- small object:longer side<32 pixels
- medium object:32-96
- large object:>96
- so that we can control the zoom-in factor:zoom-in more for smaller objects
- feature map:different scales from the upsampling layers
- attention map:3x3 conv-relu + 1x1 conv-sigmoid
- process locations where scores > 0.3
step2:finer detection
- zoom-in scales:4,2,1 for small、medium、large objects
- apply CornerNet-Saccade on the ROI
- 255x255 window
- centered at the location
- soft-nms
- remove the bounding boxes which touch the crop boundary
CornerNet-Saccade uses the same network for attention maps and bounding boxes
- 在第一步的时候,对一些大目标已经有了检测框
- 也要zoom-in,矫正一下
- regions/croped images都是processed in batch/parallel
- resize/crop操作在GPU中实现
suppress redundant regions using a NMS-similar policy before prediction
new hourglass backbone
- 3 hourglass module,depth 54
- downsize twice before hourglass modules
- downsize 3 times in each module,with channels [384,384,512]
- one residual in both encoding path & skip connection
- mid connection:one residual,with channels 512
- to replace the heavy hourglass104
- use fire module to replace residuals
- downsizes 3 times before hourglass modules
- downsize 4 times in each module
- replace the 3x3 conv in prediction head with 1x1 conv
replace the nearest neighboor upsampling with 4x4 transpose conv