Fully Convolutional Instance-aware Semantic Segmentation

  1. 动机

    • instance segmentation:
      • 实例分割比起检测,需要得到目标更精确的边界信息
      • 比起语义分割,需要区分不同的物体
    • detects and segments simultanously
    • FCN + instance mask proposal
  2. 论点

    • FCNs do not work for the instance-aware semantic segmentation task
      • convolution is translation invariant:权值共享,一个像素值对应一个响应值,与位置无关
    • instance segmentation operates on region level
      • the same pixel can have different semantics in different regions
      • Certain translation-variant property is required
    • prevalent method
      • step1: an FCN is applied on the whole image to generate shared feature maps
      • step2: a pooling layer warps each region of interest into fixed-size per-ROI feature maps
      • step3: use fc layers to convert the per-ROI feature maps to per-ROI masks
      • the translation-variant property is introduced in the fc layer(s) in the last step
      • drawbacks
        • the ROI pooling step losses spatial details
        • the fc layers over-parametrize the task
    • InstanceFCN
      • position-sensitive score maps
      • sliding windows
      • sub-tasks are separated and the solution is not end-to-end
      • blind to the object categories:前背景分割
    • In this work

      • extends InstanceFCN
      • end-to-end
      • fully convolutional
      • operates on box proposals instead of sliding windows
      • per-ROI computation does not involve any warping or resizing operations

  3. 方法

    • position-sensitive score map

      • FCN
        • predict a single score map
        • predict each pixel’s likelihood score of belonging to each category
      • at instance level
        • the same pixel can be foreground on one object but background on another
        • a single score map per-category is insufficient to distinguish these two cases
      • a fully convolutional solution for instance mask proposal
        • k x k evenly partitioned cells of object
        • thus obtain k x k position-sensitive score maps
        • Each score represents 当前像素在当前位置(score map在cells中的位置)上属于某个物体实例的似然得分
        • assembling (copy-paste)
    • jointly and simultaneously

      • The same set of score maps are shared for the two sub-tasks
      • For each pixel in a ROI, there are two tasks:
        • detection:whether it belongs to an object bounding box
        • segmentation:whether it is inside an object instance’s boundary
        • separate:two 1x1 conv heads
        • fuse:inside and outside
          • high inside score and low outside score:detection+, segmentation+
          • low inside score and high outside score:detection+, segmentation-
          • low inside score and low outside score:detection-, segmentation-
          • detection score
            • average pooling over all pixels‘ likelihoods for each class
            • max(detection score) represent the object
          • segmentation
            • softmax(inside, outside) for each pixel to distinguish fg/bg
      • All the per-ROI components are implemented through convs

        • local weight sharing property:a regularization mechanism
        • without involving any feature warping, resizing or fc layers
        • the per-ROI computation cost is negligible

    • architecture

      • ResNet back produce features with 2048 channels
      • a 1x1 conv reduces the dimension to 1024
      • x16 output stride:conv5 stride is decreased from 2 to 1, the dilation is increased from 1 to 2
      • head1:joint det conf & segmentation
        • 1x1 conv,generates $2k^2(C+1)$ score maps
        • 2 for inside/outside
        • $k^2$ for $k^2$个position
        • $(C+1)$ for fg/bg
      • head2:bbox regression
        • 1x1 conv,$4k^2$ channels
      • RPN to generate ROIs
      • inference
        • 300 ROIs
        • pass through the bbox regression obtaining another 300 ROIs
        • pass through joint head to obtain detection score&fg mask for all categories
        • mask voting:每个ROI (with max det score) 只包含当前类别的前景,还要补上框内其他类别背景
          • for current ROI, find all the ROIs (from the 600) with IoU scores higher than 0.5
          • their fg masks are averaged per-pixel and weighted by the classification score
      • training

        • ROI positive/negative:IoU>0.5
        • loss
          • softmax detection loss over C+1 categories
          • softmax segmentation loss over the gt fg mask, on positive ROIs
          • bbox regression loss, , on positive ROIs
        • OHEM:among the 300 proposed ROIs on one image, 128 ROIs with the highest losses are selected to back-propagate their error gradients
        • RPN:
          • 9 anchors
          • sharing feature between FCIS and RPN

  4. 实验

    • metric:mAP

    • FCIS (translation invariant):

      • set k=1,achieve the worst mAP
      • indicating the position sensitive score map is vital for this method
    • back

      • 50-101:increase
      • 101-152:saturate
    • tricks

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