
  1. [det] RetinaNet: Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection
  2. [det+instance seg] RetinaMask: Learning to predict masks improves state-of-the-art single-shot detection for free
  3. [det+semantic seg] Retina U-Net: Embarrassingly Simple Exploitation of Segmentation Supervision for Medical Object Detection

Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection

  1. 动机

    • dense prediction(one-stage detector)
    • focal loss:address the class imbalance problem
    • RetinaNet:design and train a simple dense detector
  2. 论点

    • accuracy trailed
      • two-stage:classifier is applied to a sparse set of candidate
      • one-stage:dense sampling of possible object locations
      • the extreme foreground-background class imbalance encountered during training of dense detectors is the central cause
    • loss
      • standard cross entropy loss:down-weights the loss assigned to well-classified examples
      • proposed focal loss:focuses training on a sparse set of hard examples
    • R-CNN系列two-stage framework
      • proposal-driven
      • the first stage generates a sparse set of candidate object locations
      • the second stage classifies each candidate location as one of the foreground classes or as background
      • class imbalance:在stage1大部分背景被filter out了,stage2训练的时候强制固定前背景样本比例,再加上困难样本挖掘OHEM
      • faster:reducing input image resolution and the number of proposals
      • ever faster:one-stage
    • one-stage detectors
      • One stage detectors are applied over a regular, dense sampling of object locations, scales, and aspect ratios
      • dense:regularly sampling(contrast to selection),基于grid以及anchor以及多尺度
      • the training procedure is still dominated by easily classified background examples
      • class imbalance:通常引入bootstrapping和hard example mining来优化
    • Object Detectors
      • Classic:sliding-window+classifier based on HOG,dense predict
      • Two-stage:selective Search+classifier based on CNN,shared network RPN
      • One-stage:‘anchors’ introduced by RPN,FPN
    • loss
      • Huber loss:down-weighting the loss of outliers (hard examples)
      • focal loss:down-weighting inliers (easy examples)
  3. 方法

    • focal loss

      • CE:$CE(p_t)=-log(p_t)$
        • even examples that are easily classified ($p_t>0.5$) incur a loss with non-trivial magnitude
        • summed CE loss over a large number of easy examples can overwhelm the rare class
      • WCE:$WCE(p_t)=-\alpha_t log(p_t)$
        • balances the importance of positive/negative examples
        • does not differentiate between easy/hard examples
      • FL:$FL(p_t)=-\alpha_t(1-p_t)^\gamma log(p_t)$

        • as $\gamma$ increases the modulating factor is likewise increased
        • $\gamma=2$ works best in our experiments

      • two-stage detectors通常不会使用WCE或FL

        • cascade stage会过滤掉大部分easy negatives
        • 第二阶段训练会做biased minibatch sampling
        • Online Hard Example Mining (OHEM)
          • construct minibatches using high-loss examples
          • scored by loss + nms
          • completely discards easy examples
    • RetinaNet

      • compose:backbone network + two task-specific subnetworks
      • backbone:convolutional feature map over the entire input image
      • subnet1:object classification
      • subnet2:bounding box regression

      • ResNet-FPN backbone

        • rich, multi-scale feature pyramid,二阶段的RPN也用了FPN
        • each level can be used for detecting objects at a different scale
        • P3 - P7:8x - 128x downsamp
        • FPN channels:256
      • anchors

        • anchor ratios:{1:2, 1:1, 2:1},长宽比
        • anchor scales:{$2^0$, $2^\frac{1}{3}$, $2^\frac{2}{3}$},大小,同一个scale的anchor,面积相同,都是size*size,长宽通过ratio求得
        • anchor size per level:[32, 64, 128, 256, 512],基本的正方形anchor的边长
        • total anchors per level:A=9
        • KA:each anchor is assigned a length K one-hot vector of classification targets
        • 4A:and a 4-vector of box regression targets
        • anchors are assigned to ground-truth object boxes using an intersection-over-union (IoU) threshold of 0.5
        • anchors are assigned background if their IoU is in [0, 0.4)
        • anchor is unassigned between [0.4, 0.5), which is ignored during training
        • each anchor is assigned to at most one object box
        • for each anchor

          • classification targets:one-hot vector

          • box regression targets:each anchor和其对应的gt box的offset

      • rpn offset:中心点、宽、高


        t_x = (x - x_a) / w_a\\

            t_y = (y - y_a) / h_a\\

        t_w = log(w/ w_a)\\

            t_h = log(h/ h_a)


      • or omitted if there is no assignment

      • 【QUESTION】所谓的anchor state {-1:ignore, 0:negative, 1:positive} 是针对cls loss来说的,相当于人为丢弃了一部分偏向中立的样本,这对分类效果有提升吗??

      • classification subnet

        • for each spatial position,for each anchor,predict one among K classes,one-hot

        • input:C channels feature map from FPN

        • structure:four 3x3 conv + ReLU,each with C filters

        • head:3x3 conv + sigmoid,with KA filters

        • share across levels

    • not share with box regression subnet

    • focal loss:

      • sum over all ~100k anchors
          * and normalized by the number of anchors assigned to a ground-truth box
          * 因为是sum,所以要normailize,norm项用的是number of assigned anchors(这是包括了前背景?)
          * vast majority of anchors are **easy negatives** and receive negligible loss values under the focal loss(确实包含背景框)
          * $\alpha$:In general $alpha$ should be decreased slightly as $\gamma$ is increased 
      • strong effect on negatives:FL can effectively discount the effect of easy negatives, focusing all attention on the hard negative examples

      • box regression subnet

        • class-agnostic bounding box regressor
    • same structure:four 3x3 conv + ReLU,each with C filters
        * head:4A linear outputs 
        * L1 loss
  • inference

    • keep top 1k predictions per FPN level

        * all levels are merged and non-maximum suppression with a threshold of 0.5 
      • train

        • initialization:
          • cls head bias initialization,encourage more foreground prediction at the start of training
          • prevents the large number of background anchors from generating a large, destabilizing loss
  • network design

    • anchors

            * one-stage detecors use fixed sampling grid to generate position
            * use multiple ‘anchors’ at each spatial position to cover boxes of various scales and aspect ratios 
            * beyond 6-9 anchors did not shown further gains in AP
        * speed/accuracy trade-off  
            * outperforms all previous methods
            * bigger resolution bigger AP
            * Retina-101-600与ResNet101-FRCNN的AP持平,但是比他快
      • gradient:

        • 梯度有界
  • the derivative is small as soon as $x_t > 0$

          <img src="RetinaNet/gradient.png" width="70%;" />

RetinaMask: Learning to predict masks improves state-of-the-art single-shot detection for free

  1. 动机

    • improve single-shot detectors to the same level as current two-stage techniques
    • improve on RetinaNet
      • integrating instance mask prediction
      • adaptive loss
      • additional hard examples
      • Group Normalization
    • same computational cost as the original RetinaNet but more accurate:同样的参数量级比orgin RetinaNet准,整体的参数量级大于yolov3,acc快要接近二阶段的mask RCNN了

  1. 论点

    • part of improvements of two-stage detectors is due to architectures like Mask R-CNN that involves multiple prediction heads
    • additional segmentation task had only been added to two-stage detectors in the past
    • two-stage detectors have the cost of resampling(ROI-Align) issue:RPN之后要特征对齐
    • add addtional heads in training keeps the structure of the detector at test time unchanged
    • potential improvement directions
      • data:OHEM
      • context:FPN
      • additional task:segmentation branch
    • this paper’s contribution
      • add a mask prediction branch
      • propose a new self-adjusting loss function
      • include more of positive samples—>those with low overlap
  2. 方法

    • best matching policy

      • speical case:outlier gt box,跟所有的anchor iou都不大于0.5,永远不会被当作正样本
      • use best matching anchor with any nonzero overlap to replace the threshold
    • self-adjusting Smooth L1 loss

      • bbox regression

      • smooth L1:

        • L1 loss is used beyond $\beta$ to avoid over-penalizing outliers
        • the choice of control point is heuristic and is usually done by hyper parameter search

      • self-adjusting control point

        • running mean & variance

        • minibatch update:m=0.9

        • control point:$[0, \hat \beta]$ clip to avoid unstable

    • mask module

      • detection predictions are treated as mask proposals

      • extract the top N scored predictions

      • distribute the mask proposals to sample features from the appropriate layers

        • $k_0=4$,如果size小于224*224,proposal会被分配给P3,如果大于448*448,proposal会被分配给P5
        • using more feature layers shows no performance boost
    • architecture

      • r50&r101 back:freezing all of the Batch Nor- malization layers
      • fpn feature channel:256
      • classification branch
        • 4 conv layers:conv3x3+relu,channel256
        • head:conv3x3+sigmoid,channel n_anchors*n_classes
      • regression branch
        • 4 conv layers:conv3x3+relu,channel256
        • head:conv3x3,channel n_anchors*4
      • aggregate the boxes to the FPN layers
      • ROI-Align yielding 14x14 resolution features
      • mask head

        • 4 conv layers:conv3x3
        • a single transposed convolutional layer:convtranspose2d 2x2,to 28*28 resolution
        • prediction head:conv1x1

    • training

      • min side & max side:800&1333
      • limited GPU:reduce the batch size,increasing the number of training iterations and reducing the learning rate accordingly
      • positive/ignore/negative:0.5,0.4
      • focal loss for classification

        • gaussian initialization

        • $\alpha=0.25, \lambda=2.0$

        • $FL=-\alpha_t(1-p_t)^\lambda log(p_t)$

        • gamma项控制的是简单样本的衰减速度,alpha项控制的是正负样本比例,可以默认值下正样本的权重是0.25,负样本的权重是0.75,和想象中的给正样本更多权重不一样,因为alpha和gamma是耦合起来作用的,(可能检测场景下困难的负样本相比于正样本更少?背景就是比前景好学?不确定不确定。。。)

      • self-adjusting L1 loss for box regression
        • limit running params:[0, 0.11]
      • mask loss
        • top-100 predicted boxes + ground truth boxes
    • inference

      • box confidence threshold 0.05
      • nms threshold 0.4
      • use top-50 boxes for mask prediction

Retina U-Net: Embarrassingly Simple Exploitation of Segmentation Supervision for Medical Object Detection

  1. 动机

    • localization
      • pixel-level predict
      • ad-hoc heuristics when mapping back to object-level scores
    • semantic segmentation
      • auxiliary task
      • overall one-stage
      • leveraging available supervision signals
  2. 论点

    • monitoring pixel-wise predictions are clinically required
    • medical annotations is commonly performed in pixel- wise
    • full semantic supervision
      • fully exploiting the available semantic segmentation signal results in significant performance gains
    • one-stage
      • explicit scale variance enforced by the resampling operation in two-stage detectors is not helpful in the medical domain
    • two-stage methods
      • predict proposal-based segmentations
      • mask loss is only evaluated on cropped proposal:no context gradients
      • ROI-Align:not suggested in medical image
      • depends on the results of region proposal:serial vs parallel
      • gradients of the mask loss do not flow through the entire model
  3. 方法

    • model

      • back:
        • ResNet50
      • fpn:
        • shift p3-p6 to p2-p5
        • change sigmoid to softmax
        • 3d head channels:64
        • anchor size:$\{P_2: 4^2, P_3: 8^2,, P_4: 16^2,, P_5: 32^2\}$
        • 3d z-scale:{1,2,4,8},考虑到z方向的low resolution
      • segmentation supervision
        • p0 & p1
        • with skip connections
        • without detection heads
        • segmentation loss calculates on p0 logits
        • dice + ce
      • h

    • weighted box clustering

      • patch crop

      • tiling strategies & model ensembling causes multi predictions per location

      • nms选了一类中score最大的box,然后抑制所有与它同类的IoU大于一定阈值的box

      • weighted box作用于这一类所有的box,计算一个融合的结果

        • coordinates confidence:$o_c = \frac{\sum c_i s_i w_i}{\sum s_i w_i}$
        • score confidence:$o_s = \frac{\sum s_i w_i}{\sum w_i + n_{missing * \overline w}}$

        • $w_i$:$w=f a p$

          • overlap factor f:与highest scoring box的overlap
          • area factor a:higher weights to larger boxes,经验
          • patch center factor p:相对于patch center的正态分布
        • score confidence的分母上有一个down-weight项$n_{missing}$:基于prior knowledge预期prediction的总数得到
      • 论文给的例子让我感觉好比nms的点

        • 一个cluster里面一类最终就留下一个框:解决nms一类大框包小框的情况
        • 这个location上prediction明显少于prior knowledge的类别confidence会被显著拉低:解决一个位置出现大概率假阳框的情况