
  1. 动机

    • embrace shorter connections
    • the feature-maps of all preceding layers are used as inputs
    • advantages
      • alleviate vanishing-gradient
      • encourage feature reuse
      • reduce the number of parameters
  2. 论点

    • Dense
      • each layer obtains additional inputs from all preceding lay- ers and passes on its own feature-maps to all subsequent layers
      • feature reuse
      • combine features by concatenating:the summation in ResNet may impede the information flow in the network
    • information preservation
      • id shortcut/additive identity transformations
    • fewer params

      • DenseNet layers are very narrow
      • add only a small set of feature-maps to the “collective knowledge”
    • gradients flow

      • each layer has direct access to the gradients from the loss function
      • have regularizing effect

  3. 方法

    • architecture

      • dense blocks
        • concat
        • BN-ReLU-3x3 conv
        • $x_l = H_l([x_0, x_1, …, x_{l-1}])$
      • transition layers
        • change the size of feature-maps
        • BN-1x1 conv-2x2 avg pooling
      • growth rate k

        • $H_l$ produces feature- maps
        • narrow:e.g., k = 12
        • One can view the feature-maps as the global state of the network
        • The growth rate regulates how much new information each layer contributes to the global state

      • bottleneck —- DenseNet-B

        • in dense block stage
        • 1x1 conv reduce dimension first
        • number of channels:4k
      • compression —- DenseNet-C

        • in transition stage
        • reduce the number of feature-maps
        • number of channels:$\theta k$
      • structure configurations

        • 1st conv channels:第一层卷积通道数
        • number of dense blocks
        • L:dense block里面的layer数
        • k:growth rate
        • B:bottleneck 4k
        • C:compression 0.5k
  4. 讨论

    • concat replace sum:

      • seemingly small modification lead to substantially different behaviors of the two network architectures
      • feature reuse:feature can be accessed anywhere
      • parameter efficient:同样参数量,test acc更高,同样acc,参数量更少
      • deep supervision:classifiers attached to every hidden layer

      • weight assign

        • All layers spread their weights over multi inputs (include transition layers)
        • least weight are assigned to the transition layer, indicating that transition layers contain many redundant features, thus can be compressed
        • overall there seems to be concentration towards final feature-maps, suggesting that more high-level features are produced late in the network