

  1. 动机

    • Smaller CNN
    • achieve AlexNet-level accuracy
    • model compression
  2. 论点

    • model compression
      • SVD
      • sparse matrix
      • quantization (to 8 bits or less)
    • CNN microarchitecture
      • extensively 3x3 filters
      • 1x1 filters
      • higher level building blocks
      • bypass connections
      • automated designing approaches
    • this paper eschew automated approaches
    • propose and evaluate the SqueezeNet architecture with and without model compression
    • explore the impact of design choices
  3. 方法

    • architectural design strategy

      • Replace 3x3 filters with 1x1 filters
      • Decrease the number of input channels to 3x3 filters (squeeze)
      • Downsample late in the network so that convolution layers have large activation maps:large activation maps (due to delayed downsampling) can lead to higher classification accuracy
    • the fire module

      • squeeze:1x1 convs
      • expand:mix of 1x1 and 3x3 convs, same padding
      • relu
      • concatenate

    • the SqueezeNet

      • a standalone convolution layer (conv1)
      • followed by 8 Fire modules (fire2-9)
      • ending with a final conv layer (conv10)
      • stride2 max-pooling after layers conv1, fire4, fire8, and conv10
      • dropout with a ratio of 50% is applied after the fire9 module
      • GAP

  4. understand the impact

    • each Fire module has three dimensional hyperparameters, to simplify:

      • define $base_e$:the number of expand filters in the first Fire module
      • for layer i:$e_i=base_e + (incr_e*[\frac{i}{freq}])$
      • expand ratio $pct_{3x3}$:the percentage of 3x3 filters in expand layers
      • squeeze ratio $SR$:the number of filters in the squeeze layer/the number of filters in the expnad layer
      • normal setting:$base_e=128, incre_e=128, pct_{3x3}=0.5, freq=2, SR=0.125$
    • SR

      • increasing SR leads to higher accuracy and larger model size
      • Accuracy plateaus at 86.0% with SR=0.75
      • further increasing provides no improvement
    • pct

      • increasing pct leads to higher accuracy and larger model size
      • Accuracy plateaus at 85.6% with pct=50%
      • further increasing provides no improvement

    • bypass

      • Vanilla
      • simple bypass:when in & out channels have the same dimensions
      • complex bypass:includes a 1x1 convolution layer
      • alleviate the representational bottleneck introduced by squeeze layers
      • both yielded accuracy improvements
      • simple bypass enabled higher accuracy