Receptive Field


  • 感受野




    其中$cur_RF$是当前层(start from 1),$kernel_size$、$stride$是当前层参数,$N_RF$是上一层的感受野。

Understanding the Effective Receptive Field in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

  1. 动机

    • effective receptive field

    • the effect of nonlinear activations, dropout, sub-sampling and skip connections on it

  2. 论点

    • it is critical for each output pixel to have a big receptive field, such that no important information is left out when making the prediction
    • deeper network:increase the receptive field size linearly
    • Sub-sampling:increases the receptive field size multiplicatively
    • it is easy to see that pixels at the center of a receptive field have a much larger impact on an output:前向传播的时候,中间位置的像素点有更多条path通向output
  3. 方法看不懂直接看结论

    • dropout does not change the Gaussian ERF shape

    • Subsampling and dilated convolutions turn out to be effective ways to increase receptive field size quickly

    • Skip-connections make ERFs smaller

    • ERFs are Gaussian distributed

      • uniformly和随机初始化都是perfect Gaus- sian shapes
      • 加上非线性激活函数以后是near Gaussian shapes

      • with different nonlinearities

    • $\sqrt n$ absolute growth and $1/\sqrt n$ relative shrinkage:RF是随着layer线性增长的,ERF在log上0.56的斜率,约等于$\sqrt n$

    • Subsampling & dilated convolution increases receptive field

      • The reference baseline is a convnet with 15 dense convolution layers
      • Subsampling:replace 3 of the 15 convolutional layers with stride-2 convolution
      • dilated:replace them with dilated convolution with factor 2,4 and 8,rectangular ERF shape

    • evolves during training

      • as the networks learns, the ERF gets bigger, and at the end of training is significantly larger than the initial ERF
      • classification
        • 32*32 cifar 10
        • theoretical receptive field of our network is actually 74 × 74
      • segmentation
        • CamVid dataset
        • the theoretical receptive field of the top convolutional layer units is quite big at 505 × 505
      • 实际的ERF都很小,都没到原图大小

    • increase the effective receptive field

      • New Initialization:
        • makes the weights at the center of the convolution kernel to have a smaller scale, and the weights on the outside to be larger
        • 30% speed-up of training
        • 其他效果不明显
      • Architecturalchanges
        • sparsely connect each unit to a larger area
        • dilated convolution or even not grid-like
