Hausdorff Distance

Reducing the Hausdorff Distance in Medical Image Segmentation with Convolutional Neural Networks

  1. 动机

    • novel loss function to reduce HD directly
    • propose three methods
    • 2D&3D,ultra & MR & CT
    • lead to approximately 18 − 45% reduction in HD without degrading other segmentation performance criteria
  2. 论点

    • HD is one of the most informative and useful criteria because it is an indicator of the largest segmentation error
    • current segmentation algorithms rarely aim at minimizing or reducing HD directly
      • HD is determined solely by the largest error instead of the overall segmentation performance
      • HD‘s sensitivity to noise and outliers —> modified version
      • the optimization diffculty
    • thus we propose an “HD- inspired” loss function
  3. 方法

    • denotations

      • probability:$q$
      • binary mask:$\bar p$、$\bar q$
      • boundary:$\delta p$、$\delta q$
      • single hd:$hd(\bar p, \bar q)$、$hd(\bar q, \bar p)$

    • based on distance transforms

      • distance map $d_p$:define the distance map as the unsigned distance to the boundary $\delta p$


      • HD based on DT:

        • finally have:
      • modified loss version of HD:

        • penalizely focus on areas instead of single point
        • $\alpha$ determines how strongly we penalize larger errors
        • use possibility instead of thresholded value
        • use $(p-q)^2$ instead of $|p-q|$
      • correlations

        • $HD_{DT}$:Pearson correlation coefficient above 0.99
        • $Loss_{DT}$:Pearson correlation coefficient above 0.93

      • drawback

        • high computational cost especially in 3D

        • $q$ changes along with training process thus $d_q$ changes while $d_p$ remains

        • modified one-sided HD (OS):

    • HD using Morphological Operations

      • morphological erosion:

        腐蚀操作定义为:在原始二值化图的前景区域,以每个像素为中心点,run structure element block B,如果B完全在原图内,则当前中心点在腐蚀后也是前景。

      • HD based on erosion:

        • $HD_{ER}$ is a lower bound of the true value
        • can be computed more efficiently using convolutional operations
      • modifid loss version:

        • k successive erosions
        • cross-shaped kernel whose elements sum to one followed by a soft thresholding at 0.50
      • correlations

        • $HD_{ER}$:Pearson correlation coefficient above 0.91
        • $Loss_{ER}$:Pearson correlation coefficient above 0.83
    • HD using circular-shaped convolutional kernel

      • circular-shaped kernel

      • HD based on circular-shaped kernel:

        • $\bar p^C$:complement 补集
        • $f_h$:hard thresholding setting all values below 1 to zero
      • modified loss version:

        • soft thresholding
      • correlations

        • $HD_{CV}$:Pearson correlation coefficient above 0.99
        • $Loss_{CV}$:Pearson correlation coefficient above 0.88
      • computation:

        • kernel size
          • $HD_{ER}$ is computed using small fixed convolutional kernels (of size 3)
          • $Loss_{CV}$ require applying filters of increasing size(we use a maximum kernel radius of 18 pixels in 2D and 9 voxels in 3D)
        • steps
          • choose R based on the expected range of segmentation errors
          • set R = {3, 6, . . . 18} for 2D images and R = {3,6,9} for 3D
    • training

      • standard Unet
      • augment our HD-based loss term with a DSC loss term for more stable training
      • reweight both loss after every epoch
