- deeplabV1: SEMANTIC IMAGE SEGMENTATION WITH DEEP CONVOLUTIONAL NETS AND FULLY CONNECTED CRFS,主要贡献提出了空洞卷积,使得feature extraction阶段输出的特征图维持较高的resolution
- deeplabV2: Semantic Image Segmentation with Deep Convolutional Nets, Atrous Convolution, and Fully Connected CRFs,主要贡献是多尺度ASPP结构
- deeplabV3: Rethinking Atrous Convolution for Semantic Image Segmentation,提出了基于ResNet的串行&并行两种结构,细节上提到了multi-grid,改进了ASPP模块
- deeplabV3+: Encoder-Decoder with Atrous Separable Convolution for Semantic Image Segmentation
- Auto-DeepLab: Hierarchical Neural Architecture Search for Semantic Image Segmentation
- 池化:将全图抽象化,降低分辨率,会丢失细节信息,平移不变性,使得边界信息不清晰
- 没有利用标签之间的概率关系:CNN缺少对空间、边缘信息等约束
- 空洞卷积:VGG中提出的多个小卷积核代替大卷积核的方法,只能使感受野线性增长,而多个空洞卷积串联,可以实现指数增长。
- 全连接条件随机场CRF:作为stage2,提高模型捕获细节的能力,提升边界分割精度
- 多尺度ASPP(Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling):并行的采用多个采样率的空洞卷积提取特征,再进行特征融合
- backbone model change:VGG16改为ResNet
- 使用不同的学习率
- ASPP嵌入ResNet后几个block
- 去掉了CRF
使用原始的Conv/pool操作,得到的low resolution score map,pool stride会使得过程中丢弃一部分信息,上采样会得到较大的失真图像,使用空洞卷积,保留特征图上的全部信息,同时keep resolution,减少了信息损失
DeeplabV3的ASPP相比较于V2,增加了一条1x1 conv path和一条image pooling path,加GAP这条path是因为,实验中发现,随着rate的增大,有效的weight数目开始减少(部分超出边界无法有效捕捉远距离信息),因此利用global average pooling提取了image-level的特征并与ASPP的特征并在一起,来补充因为dilation丢失的信息
fusion方式,V2是sum fusion,V3是所有path concat然后1x1 conv,得到最终score map
DeeplabV3的串行版本,“In order to maintain original image size, convolutions are replaced with strous convolutions with rates that differ from each other with factor 2”,ppt上说后面几个block复制了block4,每个block里面三层conv,其中最后一层conv stride2,然后为了maintain output size,空洞rate*2,这个不太理解。
multi-grid method:对每个block里面的三层卷积采用不同空洞率,unit rate(e.g.(1,2,4)) * rate (e.g. 2)
- brings together methods from Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and probabilistic graphical models
- poor localization property of deep networks
- combine a fully connected Conditional Random Field (CRF)
- be able to localize segment boundaries beyond previous accuracies
- speed: atrous
- accuracy:
- simplicity: cascade modules
- DCNN learns hierarchical abstractions of data, which is desirable for high-level vision tasks (classification)
- but it hampers low-level tasks, such as pose estimation and semantic segmentation, where we want precise localization, rather than abstraction of spatial details
- two technical hurdles in DCNNs when applying to image labeling tasks
- pooling, loss of resolution: we employ the ‘atrous’ (with holes) for efficient dense computation
- spacial invariance: we use the fully connected pairwise CRF to capture fine edge details
Our approach
- treats every pixel as a CRF node
- exploits long-range dependencies
- and uses CRF inference to directly optimize a DCNN-driven cost function
- fully convolutional VGG-16
- keep the first 3 subsampling blocks for a target stride of 8
- use hole algorithm conv filters for the last two blocks
- keep the pooling layers for the purpose of fine-tuing,change strides from 2 to 1
- for dense map(h/8), the first fully convolutional 7*7*4096 is computational, thus change to 4*4 / 3*3 convs
- further computation decreasement: reduce the fc channels from 4096 to 1024
- label:ground truth subsampled by 8
- loss function:cross-entropy
- x8:simply bilinear interpolation
- fcn:stride32 forces them to use learned upsampling layers, significantly increasing the complexity and training time
short-range:used to smooth noisy
fully connected model:to recover detailed local structure rather than further smooth it
energy function:
$P(x_i)$ is the bi-linear interpolated probability output of DCNN.
$k^m(f_i, f_j)$ is the Gaussian kernel depends on features (involving pixel positions & pixel color intensities)
multi-scale prediction
- to increase the boundary localization accuracy
- we attach to the input image and the output of each of the first four max pooling layers a two-layer MLP (first layer: 128 3x3 convolutional filters, second layer: 128 1x1 convolutional filters)
- the feature maps above is concatenated to the main network’s last layer feature map
- the new outputs is enhanced by 128*5=640 channels
- we only adjust the newly added weights
- introducing these extra direct connections from fine-resolution layers improves localization performance, yet the effect is not as dramatic as the one obtained with the fully-connected CRF
空洞卷积dilated convolution
空洞卷积相比较于正常卷积,多了一个 hyper-parameter——dilation rate,指的是kernel的间隔数量(正常的convolution dilatation rate是1)
如图(b)的2-dilated conv,kernel size只有3x3,但是这个卷积的感受野已经增大到了7x7(假设前一层是3x3的1-dilated conv)
如图(c)的4-dilated conv,kernel size只有3x3,但是这个卷积的感受野已经增大到了15x15(假设前两层是3x3的1-dilated conv和3x3的2-dilated conv)
而传统的三个3x3的1-dilated conv堆叠,只能达到7x7的感受野
The Gridding Effect:如下图,多次叠加3x3的2-dilated conv,会发现我们将愿输入离散化了。因此叠加卷积的 dilation rate 不能有大于1的公约数。
Long-ranged information:增大dilation rate对大物体有效果,对小物体可能有弊无利
HDC(Hybrid Dilated Convolution)设计结构
叠加卷积的 dilation rate 不能有大于1的公约数,如[2,4,6]
将 dilation rate 设计成锯齿状结构,例如 [1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 5] 循环结构,锯齿状能够同时满足小物体大物体的分割要求(小 dilation rate 来关心近距离信息,大 dilation rate 来关心远距离信息)
满足$M_i = max [M_{i+1}-2r_i, M_{i+1}-2(M_{i+1}-r_i), r_i]$,$M_i$是第i层最大dilation rate
deeplabV2: Semantic Image Segmentation with Deep Convolutional Nets, Atrous Convolution, and Fully Connected CRFs
- atrous convolution:control the resolution
- atrous spatial pyramid pooling (ASPP) :multiple sampling rates
- fully connected Conditional Random Field (CRF)
three challenges in the application of DCNNs to semantic image segmentation
- reduced feature resolution:max-pooling and downsampling (‘striding’) —> atrous convolution
- existence of objects at multiple scales:multi input scale —> ASPP
- reduced localization accuracy due to DCNN invariance:skip-layers —> CRF
improvements compared to its first version
- better segment objects at multiple scales
- ResNet replaces VGG16
- a more comprehensive experimental evaluation on models & dataset
- related works
- jointly learning of the DCNN and CRF to form an end-to-end trainable feed-forward network
- while in our work still a 2 stage process
- use a series of atrous convolutional layers with increasing rates to aggregate multiscale context
- while in our structure using parallel instead of serial
atrous convolution
- 在下采样以后的特征图上,运行普通卷积,相当于在原图上运行上采样的filter
- 1-D示意图上可以看出,两者感受野相同
- 同时能保持high resolution
while both the number of filter parameters and the number of operations per position stay constant
把backbone中下采样的层(pooling/conv)中的stride改成1,然后将接下来的conv层都改成2-dilated conv:could allow us to compute feature responses at the original image resolution
- efficiency/accuracy trade-off:using atrous convolution to increase the resolution by a factor of 4
- followed by fast bilinear interpolation by a factor of 8 to the original image resolution
Bilinear interpolation is sufficient in this setting because the class score maps are quite smooth unlike FCN
Atrous convolution offers easily control of the field-of-view and finds the best trade-off between accurate localization (small field-of-view) and context assimilation (large field-of-view):大感受野,抽象融合上下文,大感受野,low-level局部信息准确
- 实现:(1)根据定义,给filter上采样,插0;(2)给feature map下采样得到k*k个reduced resolution maps,然后run orgin conv,组合位移结果
- 在下采样以后的特征图上,运行普通卷积,相当于在原图上运行上采样的filter
multi input scale:
- run parallel DCNN branches that share the same parameters
- fuse by taking at each position the maximum response across scales
- computing
spatial pyramid pooling
- run multiple parallel filters with different rates
- multi-scale features are further processed in separate branches:fc7&fc8
fuse:sum fusion
CRF:keep the same as V1
deeplabV3: Rethinking Atrous Convolution for Semantic Image Segmentation
- for segmenting objects at multiple scales
- employ atrous convolution in cascade or in parallel with multiple atrous rates
- augment ASPP with image-level features encoding global context and further boost performance
- without DenseCRF
- for segmenting objects at multiple scales
- our proposed module consists of atrous convolution with various rates and batch normalization layers
- modules in cascade or in parallel:when applying a 3*3 atrous convolution with an extremely large rate, it fails to capture long range information due to image boundary effects
Atrous Convolution
for each location $i$ on the output $y$ and a filter $w$, an $r$-rate atrous convolution is applied over the input feature map $x$:
in cascade
- duplicate several copies of the last ResNet block (block4)
extra block5, block6, block7 as replicas of block4
we include batch normalization within ASPP
as the sampling rate becomes larger, the number of valid filter weights becomes smaller (beyond boundary)
to incorporate global context information:we adopt image-level features by GAP on the last feature map of the model
GAP —> 1*1*256 conv —> BN —> bilinearly upsample
fusion: concatenated + 1*1 conv
seg:final 1*1*n_classes conv
training details
- large crop size required to make sure the large atrous rates effective
- upsample the output: it is important to keep the groundtruths intact and instead upsample the final logits
output stride=8 好过16,但是运算速度慢了几倍
deeplabV3+: Encoder-Decoder with Atrous Separable Convolution for Semantic Image Segmentation
- spatial pyramid pooling module captures rich contextual information
- encode-decoder structure captures sharp object boundaries
- combine the above two methods
- propose a simple yet effective decoder module
- explore Xception backbone
- even though rich semantic information is encoded through ASPP, detailed information related to object boundaries is missing due to striding operations
- atrous convolution could alleviate but suffer the computational balance
- while encoder-decoder models lend themselves to faster computation (since no features are dilated) in the encoder path and gradually recover sharp object boundaries in the decoder path
所谓encoder-decoder structure,就是通过encoder和decoder之间的短连接来将不同尺度的特征集成起来,增加这样的shortcut,同时增大网络的下采样率(encoder path上不使用空洞卷积,因此为了达到同样的感受野,得增加pooling,然后保留最底端的ASPP block),既减少了计算,又enrich了local border这种细节特征
applying the atrous separable convolution to both the ASPP and decoder modules:最后又引入可分离卷积,进一步提升计算效率
atrous separable convolution
significantly reduces the computation complexity while maintaining similar (or better) performance
DeepLabv3 as encoder
- output_stride=16/8:remove the striding of the last 1/2 blocks
- atrous convolution:apply atrous convolution to the blocks without striding
- ASPP:run 1x1 conv in the end to set the output channel to 256
proposed decoder
- naive decoder:bilinearly upsampled by 16
- proposed:first bilinearly upsampled by 4, then concatenated with the corresponding low-level features
- low-level features:
- apply 1x1 conv on the low-level features to reduce the number of channels to avoid outweigh the importance
- the last feature map in res2x residual block before striding
- combined features:apply 3x3 conv(2 layers, 256 channels) to obtain sharper segmentation results
- more shortcut:observed no significant improvement
modified Xception backbone
- deeper
- all the max pooling operations are replaced with depthwise separable convolutions with striding
decoder effect on border